Circulatory - Heart

The CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM consists of the HEART and the network of blood vessels and capillaries which contain and circulate blood throughout the body. Blood leaving the heart circulates throughout the body transporting oxygen, nutrients, and other essential gases to and from various parts of the body. The blood which the heart keeps circulating is also the means by which chemical/hormonal messages move from the endocrine glands to the organs and tissues of the body.

In this article we will primarily discuss the HEART. The ARTERIES, VEINS and BLOOD are discussed in the CIRCULATORY SYSTEM - BLOOD VESSELS. The activity of the lungs in up-taking oxygen from the air we breathe and putting it into the circulating blood as it enters the heart is referred to as the CARDIOPULMONARY SYSTEM and is, of course, absolutely essential. It is discussed in the CARDIOPULMONARY SYSTEM.

This Article Will Cover
General Information,
Symptoms of Various Heart Issues,
Essential Oils,
Blessed Waters,
Anatomy and Physiology.

General Information

The heart lies across the mid-line of the body. More of the heart lies to the left of the body's mid-line than to the right. The right edge of the heart lies along the right edge of the sternum.

Workload Accomplished: The amount of work done by the heart each day is almost too incredible to even believe. The body contains approximately six quarts of blood. This blood is pushed through the blood vessels over 1000 times in a day. This means that the heart pumps about 6000 quarts (about 1,500 gallons) of blood in a single day!

The heart is composed almost entirely of muscle tissue. Considering the workload it accomplishes every day, the heart is a relatively small organ-about the size of a large fist and, even in an adult, weighs less than a pound.

When Things Go Wrong:

~ Estimated that at least 2.5% of Americans have valvular heart disease. However, this statistic needs a bit of explanation. Valve issues are far more common among the elderly population. Among those over eighty 13% is a more accurate figure
~ According to the Center for Disease Control, heart diseases kill about 600,000 people in the United States every year. (These figures are from 2009.) This is nearly 1 out of every 4 deaths.
~ Heart disease, of various types, is the leading cause of death for both men and women.
~ About 715,000 Americans have a heart attack every year. 525,000 of these are first attacks and 190,000 are in people who have already had a previous heart attack.


Coronary Heart Disease, Heart attacks (Myocardial Infarction), Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (heart muscle thickened or enlarged), Stress Cardiomyopathy (literally a broken heart), Congestive heart failure, Pericarditis (Copericardial effusion), Congenital heart defects, Valvular Heart Diseases such as Endocarditis, Arrhythmias (unattributted to a specific heart disease)


Unchecked Viruses, Bacteria, or Parasites; Congestive Tissue Disorders; Stress; Caffeine; All Drugs, Sugar, Uric Acid, Congested Liver, Colon, or Kidneys, Intestinal Toxemia, Food Allergies, Smoking, Unhealthy Diet, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Diabetes, Obesity, Lack of Exercise, Stress, Poor Dental Health, Xanthine Oxidase, (present in homogenized milk, damaging to heart muscle)


Food allergies, by creating digestive issues, cause inflammation throughout the entire system-including the heart muscle and the heart valves. Allergic reactions to artificial, man-made substances, such as NutraSweet, can cause serious fibrillations and heart valve damage.

There are those who argue that the homogenization of milk and the hydrogenation of cooking oils contributed to the meteoric rise of heart disease that happened at about the same time that it became common practice to use these them. The studies that back these claims are far from perfect. For what it is worth, my past testing, for my own rather sensitive heart's reaction to both items caused me to do without them. Especially hydrogenated cooking oils.

Harvard Health Publications list the slight elevation in stress hormones that occur just before we wake as a possible trigger for heart attacks. They claim that these hormones, along with the worsening of dehydration that occurs overnight-especially if we went to sleep in a slightly dehydrated state-contribute to the statistics concerning heart attacks on rising in the morning. For myself, I know that dehydration certainly triggers headaches upon waking.

Heavy physical exertion, especially in those who do not make regular exercise a part of their daily routine, is also considered a trigger for heart attacks.

A bout of anger can increase the chances of having a heart attack up to 14-fold during the following two hours-again this is according to a Harvard Health Publications article.

Other triggers listed include infections such as pneumonia or flu, overeating, severe hot or cold weather, air pollution, natural disasters, drug use, intense grief, and lack of sleep. Poor sleep revs up the body's sympathetic nervous system and increases inflammatory responses in the body.


The heart and the kidneys are very closely related. In almost every case of heart stress or disease, the kidneys are, and have been for years, prone to infection and extremely susceptible to irritation by chemicals and food allergies. Many times the food allergies are unsuspected and undiagnosed because the only symptom is the stress on the kidneys. We are not taught to consider kidney stress as an allergy symptom.

The emotions behind kidney issues are also very common. These emotions include a general sense of vulnerability, especially in regard to family or close personal relationships. Fear of just about everything, but particularly new situations, is also a basic emotion of the kidneys.


Heart disease of any kind is a serious and frightening problem. However, there are many things that can be done to prevent heart problems and many things that can be done to strengthen a struggling heart.


Exercise regularly and focusing exercise routines on both cardiovascular type exercises and exercises that reduce the girth around the mid-section of the body. Interval training-varying intensity in short bursts-is also recommended.

Have a quiet hobby, such as quilting or scrapbooking, that puts your hands to work while your mind unwinds.

Eat foods rich in antioxidants (salsa is good example) and some claim that dark chocolate contain flavonoids that prevent heart disease (I hope so). Fish contains heart-healthy omega-3's-the Mayo clinic maintains that the benefits outweigh the risks of toxic contamination but be careful anyway.

Use a good quality sea salt instead of regular salt. Add nourishing tree nuts to your diet.

Maintain good dental hygiene.

Learn to relax. Music, for example, is good for the heart and the soul.

Symptoms of Various Heart Issues


The major blood vessels which surround the heart are unable to deliver enough oxygen-rich blood to keep the myocardium (heart muscle) alive and well. Coronary Heart Disease is the most common heart condition. Coronary Heart Disease often develops slowly over decades. Symptoms often go unrecognized until a sever blockage causes more sever symptoms or even a heart attack!

Symptoms in Women Include: Neck, jaw, shoulder, upper back, or upper belly (abdomen) discomfort; Shortness of breath; Pain in one or both arms; Nausea or vomiting; Sweating. Lightheadness or dizziness; Unusual fatigue; Heartburn/Indigestion

Symptom in Men Include: Chest pain, chest tightness, chest pressure and discomfort(angina); Shortness of breath; Pain in the neck, throat, upper belly are or back; Pain, numbness, weakness or coldness in the legs or arms if the blood vessels in those body areas are also narrowed.

Some Possible Causes: Blood supply to the myocardium (heart muscle) is cutoff altogether or becomes insufficient for some reason. One scenario: Plaque builds up in the arteries that supply blood to the heart, especially those surrounding and feeding the heart muscle itself. Blood platelets stick to the plaque and form a clot that further blocks the blood from flowing to the heart; Smoking, High blood pressure, High cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, strong family history of heart disease.


Symptoms Include: Pain, fullness, pressure, or squeezing in the chest; Discomfort, pain, or numbness in back or left arm; Discomfort, or pain in the jaw, shoulder, or neck; Shortness of breath, trouble breathing with or without chest discomfort; Light-headed or breaking into a cold sweat, usually quite heavy; Nausea, vomiting, discomfort in the stomach or severe indigestion; Something heavy sitting on your chest; Anxiety; Cough; Palpitations.

Many times, women do not feel the typical chest pain described above that is associated with heart attacks in men. Women may miss many of the usual symptoms and feel only varying degrees of weakness and fatigue, heartburn, heart flutters, loss of appetite, and a hollowed out feeling in the chest and abdomen.

Some Possible Causes:
Build up of plaque as described above under Coronary Heart Disease

2) The blood supply to the heart may also be compromised when the heart beats at a very rapid rate for too long a period of time. Blood flows to the heart during the rest periods between beats. If these blood-rich rest periods are shortened during too long or too rapid beating, damage to the heart muscle may occur.

3) Sometimes heart attacks seem to occur for no known reason. Heart attacks may occur: when you are resting or asleep, after a sudden increase in physical activity, when you are active outside particularly in cold weather, after sudden, severe emotional or physical stress, including an illness.


The heart muscles becomes weakened and stretched, resulting in enlargement of one or more chambers.

Symptoms Include: fatigue, shortness of breath during activity or while lying down, reduced ability to exercise, swelling (edema) in the legs, ankles, feet, or belly (abdomen)

Some Possible Causes: heart attack from whatever cause; alcohol abuse, toxins such as lead, mercury, or cobalt; some cancer medications; illegal drug use; diabetes; high blood pressure; thyroid disease; autoimmune diseases.


The walls of the heart, the heart muscle, becomes thicker and stiff with one or more chambers becoming cramped and tight, and unable to efficiently push the blood into the next area.

Symptoms Include: Arrhythmia, chest pain, especially during activity, fatigue, fluttering or pounding, heart murmur, lightheadedness or dizziness, fainting, shortness of breath, atrial fibrillations with risk of blood clots, heart failure, stroke.

Some Possible Causes: changes in genes that cause the heart muscles to thicken. This situation of often genetic.


Damage to the heart muscle has resulted in compromise of the intrinsic nervous system.

Symptoms Include: arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation, premature ventricular contractions, tachycardia, fatigue, fluttering or pounding feeling in the chest (palpitations), lightheadedness, fainting, shortness of breath because fluids build up in the lungs, severely abnormal heart rate and rhythm, heart failure, sudden cardiac death.

Some Possible Causes: Often genetic factors which cause the proteins on the surface of the heart muscle to be replaced by fatty scar tissue which impedes the absolutely necessary electrical signals that create and control the beating of the heart.


A troubled mind may lead to a broken heart in a very literal and physical sense. Many patients arriving at emergency rooms and doctors offices with symptoms of a heart attack have just experienced the death or other loss of a loved one. Traumatic experiences such as a car accident or mugging are also recognized as triggers for heart attack type symptoms.

While not actually considered a disease, intense emotional events can trigger your sympathetic nervous system which then unleashes a flood of chemicals. This sudden surge of chemicals can stun the hearts muscle and leave it temporarily, and sometimes permanently, unable to pump properly. The result is any one of the other heart conditions listed here.


The term "congestive heart failure" refers to blood and fluids building up in (congesting) the liver, abdomen, lower extremities, and lungs as the result of abnormal and inefficient heart function. Congestive heart failure most often involves both sides of the heart in some way. Not all heart failure and cardiomyopathies are congestive in nature, at least not until the situation has become quite severe and the kidneys have become compromised as well.

Symptoms Include: Shortness of breath upon activity or after lying prone for a while; Cough; Swelling of feet and ankles; Swelling of the abdomen with weight gain; Irregular or rapid pulse; Sensation of feeling the heart beat with palpitations; Difficulty sleeping; Fatigue (and I mean serious fatigue!); Weakness; Fainting; Loss of appetite, indigestion; Decreased alertness or difficulty concentrating; Decreased urine production or a need to urinate frequently during the night; Nausea and vomiting; Fluid buildup around the lungs; Distended neck veins; Swelling of the liver; Low oxygen levels.

Some Possible Causes: High levels of cholesterol and/or triglyceride in the blood; High blood pressure; Poor diet; Sedentary lifestyle; Diabetes; Smoking; Being overweight or obese; Stress. Viral infections of a serious nature are the main cause; Injury to the pericardium from a medical procedure or an accident; Heart attack; Severe kidney failure (uremia); Autoimmune diseases including lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, among others.

Area of Compromised and/or Failure: Because the heart is a double pump, each side can fail independently of the other. When the left side of the heart fails, pulmonary congestion occurs. The heart continues to send blood, under pressure, to the lungs, but the left side is unable to send its blood into the systemic circulation. As the blood vessels within the lung become swollen, pressure increases causing pulmonary edema. If untreated, the person eventually suffocates.

If the right side of the heart fails, blood backs up in the entire circulatory system. The feet, ankles, and fingers become swollen and puffy. Failure of one side of the heart puts a great strain on the other side until, eventually, the entire heart fails.

PERICARDITIS (Copericardial effusion):

Inflammation of the pericardium (pericarditis) results, first, in a decrease in the fluid between the layers. This can cause the pericardial layers to stick to each other, forming painful adhesions that interfere with the free movement of the heart.

If the inflammation persists, the body may create extra fluid to protect the pericardial layers. Increased levels of fluid between the layers is called a pericardial effusion. Usually effusion is preceded by inflammation, as just described, and is quite painful with a list of nasty symptoms.

Symptoms Include: Chest pain or discomfort; Enlargement of veins in the neck; Increase in heart rate; Rapid Breathing but feeling as if not getting enough air; Lightheadedness and dizziness; Arms and legs feel cold; clammy, pale skin; Fainting; Pain in upper abdomen usually focusing on the right side; Nausea; Diarrhea; Reduction in urine output.

Anti-inflammatory agents (alternative or medically prescribed) are usually sufficient treatment in most cases where the symptoms above are not too serious and respond well to treatment.

A more serious effusion may produce as much a two liters of extra liquid and produce a range of nasty symptoms.

More Serious Symptoms Include: Chest pain that is made worse by deep breathing; Shortness of breath; Rapid and intense palpitations; Cold and clammy skin; Lightheadedness; Passing Out.

A pericardial effusion of this magnitude and causing these symptoms is a medical emergency and may become life-threatening quite quickly. Medical intervention may be required to drain off the excess fluid and prevent serious damage to the heart muscle!

Some Possible Causes: Infections; Auto-immune disorders, inflammation after a heart attack or chest injury; Injury to the pericardium from a medical procedure or an accident; Cancer which has spread from another part of the body; Kidney failure; Some medications; Radiation therapy to the chest; Heart surgery; Severe kidney issues; often cause is unknown


Serious congenital heart defects usually are noticed soon after birth. They are the most common type of birth defect.

Congenital heart defect symptoms in infants could include: Pale gray or blue skin or lips (cyanosis); Swelling in the legs, belly area or areas around the eyes; Shortness of breath during feedings, leading to poor weight gain; rapid heartbeat; Rapid breathing; Swelling of the legs, tummy or around the eyes; Extreme tiredness and fatigue; Tiredness and rapid breathing when a baby is feeding; Repeated respiratory tract infections; Heart failure.

Less-serious congenital heart defects are often not diagnosed until later in childhood or during adulthood. Symptoms of congenital heart defects that usually are not immediately life-threatening include: Easily getting short of breath during exercise or activity; Easily tiring during exercise or activity; Swelling of the hands, ankles or feet.

Some Possible Causes: Being congenital, these defects simply seem to run in families; Mother having German measles (Rubella) of Influenza during early pregnancy; Diabetes; Many medications taken during pregnancy-Ibuprofen taken by mother during the last 1 to 10 weeks of pregnancy; Organic solvents such as those found in paint, nail polish, and glue; Alcohol consumption; Smoking.


There are four valves within the heart. Valvular Heart Disease occurs when any one of these valves fails to open or close properly and blood, within the heart itself, begins to flow in improper directions. If the valve fails slowly, bit by bit, recognizable symptoms may not go unnoticed for years.

There are four types of malfunctions which may occur. Stenosis-valve flaps become thick, stiff, and narrowed. Regurgitation-valve flaps no longer close tightly, allowing blood to leak backward into the previous chamber. Prolapse-valve flaps become weak, stretched, and floppy. They even bulge backwards, looking like small parachutes causing regurgitation. Atresia-The valve did not form completely and properly leaving a solid sheet of tissue which blocks blood flow between heart chambers. This type usually affects the pulmonary valve.


More Serious Symptoms Include: When symptoms do occur they include shortness of breath when at rest or when active or when lying down. (In other words, all the time and scary!); Fatigue; Chest pain; Dizziness; Fainting, Swelling of the ankles and feet; Fainting; Irregular heartbeat; Heart murmur, Palpitations, Low Oxygen Levels, Hollow feeling in chest and abdomen; Fever; Increased workload on the heart, with eventual heart failure.

Some Possible Causes: Age-related changes; High blood pressure; High cholesterol, Diabetes; Anything at all that is on any list for heart disease risk factors; Infections such as rheumatic fever, tuberculosis, and others.

More serious germs carried in the blood which attack the valves causing growth on the valves, holes in the valves, scarring and stiffness (stenosis) of the valves. Where might these germs in the blood come from? Dental infections, surgeries, IV drug use, many types of infectious agents.


Symptoms Include: Chest pain or discomfort, Fluttering, pounding feeling in the chest; dizziness, fainting (syncope) or near fainting, fluttering in the chest, Lightheadedness, Racing heartbeat (tachycardia), Shortness of breath, Sow heartbeat (bradycardia), Heartbeat too rapid (Tachycardia); Anxiety; Fatigue; Sweating.

Some Possible Causes: Coronary heart disease; Other heart issues, Previous heart surgery; Congenital Heart disease; Thyroid disease; Obstructive sleep apnea, Electrolyte imbalances; Some medications and even some poorly done supplements; Excessive alcohol use; Age-related changes; Infections; High blood pressure; High cholesterol, Diabetes; anything at all that is on any list for heart disease risk factors.

Essential Oils, Herbs, and Blessed Waters

The heart and cardiovascular health (or the cardiovascular ill-health which I experienced as a younger woman) are topics I am delighted to share knowledge on. Many, if not most, of the essential oils, Blessed Water/Homeopathics, herbs, and minerals discussed here were part of my walk away from serious and scary episodes to the far better health I enjoy now. Assisting with information gathering and contributing to this blog has been a joy to me. It is my hope that the information provided here brings relief and better health to someone (or two). Alternative remedies such as those discussed here were such a blessing in my own life!
LaRee Westover


LeAboutFace, LeAngel, LeBenediction, LeCinnamonBear, LeCrystal Clear, LeEnergy, LeFortitude, LeGrace, LeHousewarming, LeKadence, LeKey to My Heart, LeMariah, LeMillenia, LeQuiet Essence, LeReflections, LeSolitude, LeTurmoil, LeVitality, dragonhead, helichrysum, lemon, marjoram, mountaini savory, neroli, nutmeg, orange sweet, nutmeg, patchouli, petitgrain, rosemary, sandalwood, thyme, violet leaf

LeFortitude, LeGrace, LeKadence, LeKey to My Heart, LeMariah, LeVitality,

LeAngel, LeBenediction, LeFaith, LeGrace, LeKadence, LeKey to My Heart, melissa, ylang

Please note that there are a few essential oils which, as singles, may be contra-indicated for those with high blood pressure. LeDiscernment contains sage which is contra-indicated for high blood pressure but it is in such a small proportion that it is quite unlikely that it would be a problem unless used in quantity over a long period of time. Caution should be exercised, however.

LeAngel, LeAutumn, LeBenediction, LeFaith, LeGrace, LeKadence, LeKey to My Heart, LeUnDone, LeVitality, LeZest for Life, hyssop, lavender, lime, litsea cubeba, marjoram, peppermint, rosemary, ylang

LeTendaCare, LeRevitalize, ginger, helichrysum,

LeBelieve, LeBeloved, LeBenediction, LeFortitude, LeGrace, LeKadence, LeKey to My Heart, LeVitality, marjoram, neroli, orange sweet, petitgrain, violet leaf

LeBelieve, LeCrystal Clear, LeIQ, LeQuiet Essence, LeRevitalize, LeTurmoil, LeVitality, calamus, davana, melissa, neroli, peppermint, rosemary, St John's wort, tarragon


The heart, of course, and the blood which circulates throughout the body, are very much tied to emotion. For the most part, these emotions are related to loving or being hurt and experiencing grief. The emotions of the heart become out of balance as we either lock ourselves away in a mode of protection or our hearts overflow and get completely out of control. At the core of our beings, our hearts, emotionally and physically, are in a constant state of flux. The pumping of the physical heart brings nourishment and life. In a similar manner, the workings of the emotional heart bring love and light into our lives or take us into the polar opposites of fear, darkness, and death.

The rhythm of the physical heart is very responsive to our emotions as we try to maintain emotional balance in the face of challenges. Angina can be a warning signal that such attitudes as hostility, aggression, or over focus on money and material things have crept into our lives. A heart attack implies that you feel you are being "attacked" somehow or can be the result of a wall that we have built up to protect ourselves from hurt, loss, or grief.

When trying to find ways to improve the circulatory system, be sure to include your emotional heart. Having your emotional heart balanced is just as important as your physical heart.

There are tiny, but very tough, cords called chordae tendinae which physically anchor the flaps of the heart valves to the walls of the ventricles. As the ventricles contract and push blood out of the heart, a great deal of pressure is applied to the AV valves. If they were not securely anchored by these tough little cords, the valves would blow upward into the atria. This would allow blood to flow backwards at this critical juncture. The comparison to an umbrella turning inside out in a gusty wind might help us see and understand the value of these tiny cords.

Perhaps, emotionally and energetically, it is damage to these "heart strings" that is referred to in song and in legend as having a "broken heart". Only when things flow naturally and openly from the heart do we feel peace.


The heart is an oil of many emotions so the oils for heart emotions are in several categories. I love essential oils because all essential oils are emotional and physical. This means that if you pick an essential oil for the emotions you are feeling you will also likely be working on the physical symptoms and vice versa.

ANXIETY: LeAmbition, LeAutumn, LeAssurance, LeCherish, LeEZ Traveler, LeFortitude, LeGoodNite, LeGrace, LeGrateful Heart, LeKadence, LeSanctuary, LeSego Lily, LeSolitude, LeTranquility, LeTrust, LeVision,

APPRECIATION: LeBelieve, LeConnection, LeGrateful Heart, LeMoonlight, LeReconciliation, LeSego Lily, LeTrust, LeUnity

COMPASSOION: LeBelieve, LeCherish, LeKindred Spirit, LeMeditation, LeTrust, LeUnity, Chamomile, Cypress, lavender, melissa, neroli, pine, rose

CONFLICT (FEAR OF): LeExpressions, LeEZ Traveler, LeKey to My Heart, LeMillenia, LeSanctuary, goldenrod,

CONTENTMENT: LeAmbition, LeBelieve, LeBeloved, LeGrateful Heart, LeLetting Go, LeSanctuary, LeTranquility, LeWhispering Hope, bergamot, chamomile Roman, clove, cypress, lavender, neroli, orange sweet, patchouli, orange sweet, sandalwood, ylang

COOPERATION: LeBelieve, LeBeloved, LeKindred Spirit, LeUnity, chamomile, grapefruit, jasmine, rose, ylang,

EMPATHETIC: LeExpressions, LeGrateful Heart, LeKindred Spirit, LeReconciliation, LeUnity, chamomile, lavender, melissa

FORGIVENESS: LeBelieve, LeFortitude, LeGrace, LeIntensity, LeLetting Go, LeQuiet Essence, LeReconciliation, LeTomorrow, LeTrust, chamomile, neroli, pine, rose, spikenard,

GRATITUDE: LeBenediction, LeFaith, LeGrateful Heart, LeQuiet Essence

GRIEF: LeAboutFace, LeAutumn, LeBaby Me, LeBelieve, LeBenediction, LeCherish, LeGrace, LeHeartSong, LeLetting Go, LeMagi, LeMillenia, LeReconciliation, LeSanctuary, LeTrust, LeTurmoil, LeWhispering Hope, LeWisdom, anthopogon, chamomile Roman, clementine, lavender, orange sweet, palmarosa, rose, rose geranium

JOY: LeAgeLess, LeCherish, LeIntensity, LeKadence, LeLetting Go, LeTomorrow, LeUnity, LeWhispering Hope, bergamot, chamomile Roman, frankincense, grapefruit, helichrysum, jasmine, lemon, neroli, orange sweet, rose, sandalwood, ylang,

JUDGEMENTAL: LeBeGone, LeBelieve, LeBenediction, LeFortitude, LeGrace, LeKadence, LeKindred Spirit, LeLetting Go, LeReconciliation, LeSynopsis, LeTrust, LeUnity

LONELINESS: LeBelieve, LeBenediction, LeCherish, LeGrace, LeGoodNite, LeKey to My Heart, LeMagi, LeLetting Go, LeReconciliation

LOVING ONESELF: LeAmbition, LeAutumn, LeBelieve, LeCherish, LeFaith, LeKey to My Heart, LeLetting Go, LeVitality

LOVED (FEELING): LeAngel, LeAutumn, LeBeGone, LeBeloved, LeGrace, LeHeartSong, LeKey to My Heart, LeReconciliation, LeReflections, LeSego Lily,

SAFE: LeAngel, LeBenediction, LeGrateful Heart, LeHeartSong, LeKey to My Heart, LeReconciliation, LeSanctuary, LeVitality, LeWhispering Hope

TRUST: LeBelieve, LeBeloved, LeCherish, LeFortitude, LeKey to My Heart, LeKindered Spirit, LeLetting Go, LeTrust, LeTurmoil, LeSanctuary, basil, cypress, lavender,

UNDERSTANDING: LeAmbition, LeBelieve, LeBeloved, LeCherish, LeGrace, LeKindered Spirit, LeQuiet Essence, LeReconciliation, LeTranquility, LeUnity, Chamomile, cypress, neroli, pine,

WISDOM: LeAutumn, LeExpressions, LeGrace, LeReconciliation, LeReflections, LeSanctuary, LeTomorrow, LeWhispering Hope, LeWisdom, frankincense, rose, cypress, sandalwood

WORRY: LeBelieve, LeBountiful, LeEZ Traveler, LeFaith, LeKadence, LeQuiet Essence, LeWhispering Hope



Vitamin A, B, C, and D, Potassium, calcium (for the regulating of heartbeat and blood clotting), magnesium (particularly for irregular heartbeat), Amino acids L-carnitinea (reduces fat and triglycerides in the blood while increasing oxygen levels and stress tolerance) and L-taurine (arrhythmias), onions, oats, potatoes, carrots, barley, almond oil, olive oil

There is a large body of scientific research showing that herbs and nutritional supplements are of value in the treatment of mild to moderate heart disease. There have even been studies in which patients with more severe, chronic heart conditions who were not responding to standard medical treatments, showed marked improvement with herbal and nutritional alternatives. Many of these alternative choices are standard medical protocols in Europe and Asia.

Cardio (Heart) herbs come in three basic varieties: Stimulants, Depressants, and Tonics.


Stimulant herbs increase the power and strength of the heartbeat, and therefore, the pulse.

black cohosh, blessed thistle, blue Vervain, buchu, cayenne, cinnamon, cloves, comfrey, coriander, elecampane, garlic, goldenseal, hawthorn berries, motherwort, myrrh, peppermint, prickly ash, skullcap, spikenard, valerian, wood betony.


Depressant herbs work on the excitability of the electrical systems of the heart, slowing heart rate and calming the violence of the heart muscle contractions.

angelica, astragalus, comfrey, dong quai, ginkgo, ginseng, hawthorn, marshmallow, motherwort, mullein, passion flower, rehmannia, yucca.

Spikenard and Valerian are listed as both stimulants and depressants. That is exactly what they are. If the heart muscle is overexcited, or the electrical signals are misfiring, Valerian and its cousin Spikenard will calm and reset the pace. In other circumstances, these two herbs gently stimulate and strengthen while, at the same time, calming irregularities in the pulse and heart rate.


Tonic herbs are used to increase energy, vigor, and strength by nourishing the body. There are tonic herbs for the liver, heart, nerves, and for every organ and system of the body.

angelica, astragalus, cassia, comfrey dong quai, elecampane, fenugreek, garlic ginkgo, ginseng, goldenrod, hawthorn, marshmallow, motherwort, mullein, passion flower, rehmannia, skullcap, yucca.

You may have noticed that many of the herbs are listed in more than one category. That is correct! The reason? Herbs, unlike drugs, work to bring the body into homestasis/balance. In other words, into the state that is best for the overall health and welfare of the body. For example, cayenne is used to great effect in stopping bleeding, even of hemorrhage proportions. On the other hand, cayenne is also one of nature's most effective herbs for improving circulation!

The herb, Licorice Root, is contraindicated for certain types of heart problems. It is not dangerous, unless increases in heart arrhythmias and palpitations are ignored for a long period of time.


Blessed Waters are amazing remedies for whatever they are used for. This is so true when dealing with the heart. The following homeopathic remedies are included because their symptom pictures contain the symptoms of various types of issues. Lachesis muta is indicated as a first response remedy to save life while transporting a heart attack victim. If you are not familiar with the way homeopathics or blessed waters work please check out the blog Homeopathy Basic Principles.

Rescue Remedy

Rescue Remedy is a blessed water and the first thing I would reach for with any type of heart issue. Rescue remedy can be regarded as a single remedy although it is a composite of five flower essences. It is most effective when used on the occasion of any profound trauma or emergency in helping the person cope with extreme pain and shock. Rescue remedy brings immediate calm and helps with the physical and emotional aspects of shock.

Apocynum Cannabinum

The specifics of this remedy are congestive heart problems that are accompanied by renal (kidney) failure. There is swelling and edema (water retention in the tissues-usually lower extremities) that is characteristic of kidney problems and poor circulation.

Arsenicum Album

Congestive heart failure with irregular rhythm, cyanosis (blue tinge to skin from lack of oxygen), dyspnea (labored breathing), weakness, feeling of cold, restlessness, and anxiety.

Digitalis Purpurea

Digitalis is used when there is an abnormally slow pulse (bradycardia), or (tachycardia) rapid pulse with inadequate conduction of oxygen, etc. Indicated for rheumatic heart disease or heart problems that are the result of other serious illnesses.

Gelsemium Sempervirens

The keynote of Gelsemium is an empty feeling in the chest that is worse for being still. The person feels as if his heart will stop beating if he is not constantly in motion. There is hoarseness and loss of voice, which are also indicators for this remedy.


This is the best choice when treating intense pulsations of the heart or heart murmurs that are accompanied by pulsating bursting headaches, and many other congestive heart issues.

Kalmia latifolia

The suppression of rheumatic or arthritic heart conditions with drug therapies frequently shows up later as rheumatic heart, valvular diseases, arrhythmia, cardiac hypertrophy (enlargement) or congestive heart failure. This remedy is for those situations and is most effective where there is both neuralgia and rheumatic conditions. It has been proven effective even in advanced stages.

Lachesis muta

Lachesis is indicated for circulatory problems, particularly blockages and/or hemorrhages. Lachesis should be used for angina and congestive heart failure if the basic personality symptoms match. Some of the symptom picture is a perfect description of a myocardial infarction. I would consider this one to give quickly as you rush a heart attack victim to the hospital!

Laurocerasus Officinalis

The keynote of this remedy for cardiac or respiratory problems is great coldness and total collapse. The person has no energy or strength and does not seem to be recovering at all in response to other therapies.

Naja Tripudians

This is a specific remedy for valvular diseases (Kent) even in advanced cases. Also, if indicated, for cardiac murmurs, cardiac asthma, and angina. Naja is particularly suited to heart people who are nervous, excited, and tremulous and who brood over imaginary troubles and other people's problems.


A Phosphorus personality is soft, sensitive and has a gentle nature. This should be reflected when this remedy is chosen. Phosphorus has been used successfully in congestive heart failure, heart murmurs, and angina. The hemorrhagic indicators are strong enough that this one is even recommended for hemophilia.

Anatomy and Physiology


The heart is enclosed by a double sac of membranes. These membranes protect the heart and anchor it to surrounding structures. Approximately 2 to 3 tablespoons of pericardial fluid fill the space between the pericardial layers. This lubricating layer allows the heart to beat easily in a nearly frictionless environment as the layers of the pericardium slide effortlessly over each other and expand and contract with the beating of the heart.


The heart consists of 4 chambers, two atrium and 2 ventricles. The atria are on top, and the ventricles are on the bottom. The heart muscle is, technically, referred to as the myocardium, the outer surface of which is called the endocardium. The heart is a single organ but acts as a double pump; the right side acts as a pulmonary circuit pump while the left side is responsible for systemic circulation. The great blood vessels (Vena cava and Pulmonary vessels) emerge from the heart.


There are four valves in the heart. Their purpose is to ensure that blood flows only in the direction that nature intended-from the atria through the ventricles and then out the great arteries of the heart and into the body. Like any other pump, the heart is able to function fairly well with "leaky" valves as long as the damage is relatively minor. Seriously damaged valves, however, can greatly hamper cardiac function and put a person at risk.


The right and left sides of the heart work together in perfect harmony. The pattern described below is repeated over and over as the blood flows continuously through the heart, lungs, and body.

Blood enters the heart from the body through two large veins, the inferior and superior vena cavas, emptying oxygen-poor blood from the body into the right atrium of the heart. Meanwhile, the left atrium is receiving oxygen-rich blood from both lungs via the pulmonary veins. Once again, this might be a little bit confusing because the vessels called pulmonary veins are carrying the oxygen-rich blood from the lungs into the heart. The arteries contract, blood flows from the left atrium into the left ventricle and from the right atrium into the right ventricle.

Next, the ventricles contract. De-oxygenated blood from the left ventricle passes through the pulmonary vein into the pulmonary arteries and on into the lungs to pick up oxygen. At the same time, oxygenated blood passes through the aortic valve into the arch of the aorta and enters the systemic circulation of the body. The mitral and tricuspid valves prevent back-flow into the atria as the blood leaves the heart.


Two systems regulate heart activity. One involves the nerves of the autonomic nervous system and acts as accelerators and brakes for the heart rate. The other is the intrinsic conduction system-nodes which are built right into the heart tissue. This system sets the basic rhythm of the heart.

Intrinsic means on its own. The skeletal muscles must be stimulated by nerve impulses before they will contract but the heart muscles can and do contract independently of the nervous system. In a fetus, the heart begins to beat before the nervous system is fully developed. During a heart transplant surgery, nerves to the heart are severed and not reconnected and yet, once the heart has been artificially stimulated to start beating, it continues to beat on its own.

The atria and ventricle systems of the heart have different rhythms with the atria beating about 60 times per minute and the ventricles contracting much more slowly at about 20-40 beats per minute. Without some type of control system, the heart would be an utterly uncoordinated and inefficient pump.

When the body is under physical and emotional stress, the nerves of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system stimulate the heart to beat more rapidly. This makes more oxygen and glucose available to the body during these periods of stress. Parasympathetic nerves, primarily the vagus nerve, cause the heart to slow down and beat steadily, giving it a period of rest when the crisis in over.