Circulatory - Heart

The CIRCULATORY SYSTEM is part of the CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM that consists of the HEART and the network of BLOOD VESSELS and Capillaries which contain and circulate blood throughout the body. Blood leaving the heart circulates throughout the body transporting oxygen, nutrients, and other essential gases to and from various parts of the body. The blood which the heart keeps circulating is also the means by which chemical/hormonal messages move from the endocrine glands to the organs and tissues of the body.

In this article we will primarily discuss the ARTERIES, VEINS and BLOOD. The Heart is discussed in the CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM - HEART. The activity of the lungs in up-taking oxygen from the air we breathe and putting it into the circulating blood as it enters the heart is referred to as the CARDIOPULMONARY SYSTEM and is, of course, absolutely essential. It is discussed in the CARDIOPULMONARY SYSTEM.

This Article Will Cover

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Arteries - Veins - Capillaries,
   Diseases and Symptoms
    Essential Oils
   Herbs - Nutrition
Special Circulatory Systems,
Red Blood Cells
   Diseases and Symptoms
   Essential Oils
   Herbs - Nutrition
White Blood Cells
   Diseases and Symptoms
   Essential Oils
   Herbs - Nutrition
   Diseases and Symptoms
   Essential Oils
   Herbs - Nutrition

Arteris - Veins - Capillaries

The circulatory system is made up of blood vessels that carry blood away from and towards the heart-and the heart itself, of course. This amazing system carries oxygen, nutrients, and hormones to cells, and removes waste products, like carbon dioxide.

Arteries carry blood away from the heart and Veins carry blood back to the heart. Capillaries, the smallest and most numerous of the blood vessels, form the connection between the vessels that carry blood away from the heart (arteries) and the vessels that return blood to the heart (veins). The primary function of capillaries is the exchange of materials between the blood and tissue cells.


Blood, newly oxygenated by the lungs and filled with nutrients and important hormones, begins its journey through the body by moving upward from the left ventricle of the heart through the aorta. The aorta forms an arch as it leaves the heart. From this arch originate the two main arteries to the head (the left and right carotids) and an artery to each arm.

Blood, fresh from the heart and lungs, moves immediately into the coronary arteries and feeds the heart muscle. The coronary arteries branch out from the ascending aorta before it begins its arch and are the only branches of the ascending aorta. The aorta arches and then descends through the chest and into the abdomen, putting off arteries to feed the intestines, liver, kidneys, reproductive organs, and all other area tissues as it goes along.

The aorta is the largest artery of the body, and its construction is absolutely amazing. In adults, the aorta is about the size of a garden hose. It decreases only slightly in size until it branches in the lower abdomen, becoming the iliac arteries.

Several pairs of arteries, the lumbar arteries, are also formed here to feed the large muscles of the abdomen and trunk walls. The inferior mesenteric artery, a small unpaired artery that feeds the lower half of the small intestine, also branches off in this area.

The aorta then branches into the left and right common iliac arteries. Each iliac artery immediately divides into internal and external iliac arteries. The internal iliac supplies the rest of the pelvic organs including the bladder and rectum and others. The external iliac continues downward through the thigh, where it splits into two more branches, known as the femoral artery and the deep femoral artery. The femoral artery then continues down from the legs to the feet.


From the arteries, the blood flows into smaller and smaller arterioles which feed every organ and tissue in the body. The arterioles become the vast network of capillaries. In the capillaries, blood moves along in a single molecular file. Oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and other substances are exchanged, on the cellular level, for carbon dioxide and other waste products. The capillaries are also where "junk" is forced out of the blood and into the interstitial tissues where it is picked up by the lymphatic system.


After this exchange has taken place in the capillaries, the blood enters exceedingly small vessels called venules. Venules are the venous equivalent of arterioles. The blood then moves back toward the heart, through a reverse system of vessels which grow increasingly larger as the blood moves nearer and nearer the heart.

Arteries, because of the pressure in them and the danger from hemorrhage should they be damaged, are located in deep, well-protected areas of the body. Many veins are located more superficially, and some are easily seen and palpated on the surface of the body. Most deep veins, however, follow the course of the major arteries and many are named to match their companion arteries.


Blood re-enters the right side of the heart. The depleted and de-oxygenated blood is then pumped into the lungs from the right ventricle through the pulmonary arteries. The pulmonary arteries are the only arteries which carry de-oxygenated blood-unless you count fetal circulation in a pregnant woman.

Diseases and Symptoms




The peripheral arteries are outside of the heart. Some possible issue include chronic hypertension, high blood pressure which, of course, increases your risk for heart attack, stroke, cognitive decline, heart disease, macular degeneration, and kidney failure.

Blockages (Atherosclerosis): As blood piles up behind the blockage, the artery may, of course, burst. Pooling blood in the tissues then create varying degrees of damage.

Bulges (Aneurysms): Like blockages, may result in the artery bursting. Blockages and bulges may occur anywhere in the body.
Gastrointestinal system-resulting in nausea and vomiting and, eventually, serious death of tissues.
Renal arteries resulting-eventually in kidney failure.
Popliteal Entrapment Syndrome-cramps, numbness, tingling, discoloration in legs or feet.
Buerger's disease-blue or pale fingers or toes with pain in arms, hands, legs, feet even when at rest.
Raynaud's Syndrome-spasms of the small arteries in fingers and, sometimes, in toes.
Brain-One of the more common places resulting, of course, in a wide variety of nasty damage depending on the location of the problem.


Chronic Hypertension: damaged organs, aneurysms, heart attack, stroke, leg cramps caused by a temporary obstruction of arteries, and cognitive decline in later years.

The general symptoms of peripheral artery issues depend, of course, on the location in the body.

Lack of leg hair or toenail growth
Pale of bluish skin
Lack of leg hair or toenail growth
Sores on toes, feet, or legs that heal slowly or not at all
Decreased skin temperature, or thin, brittle, shiny skin on the legs and feet
Weak pulses in the legs and the feet
Wounds that won't heal over pressure points, such as heels or ankles
Numbness, weakness, or heaviness in muscles
Burning or aching pain at rest, commonly in the toes and at night while lying flat
Restricted mobility
Thickened, opaque toenails
Varicose veins


Carotid Artery Disease-blockage or narrowing in arteries supplying the brain.
Carotid Artery Dissection-begins as a tear in one layer of the artery wall with blood leakage between wall layers.
Carotid body tumors or growth within the nervous tissue surround the carotid artery.
Carotid artery aneurysm-bulge in the artery wall which may become a rupture.


Unfortunately, there are often no symptoms until having a stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA or mini-stroke). Symptoms of these include trouble with vision or speech, confusion and difficulty with memory.

Varicose Veins
Spider Veins
Deep Vein Thrombosis
Abnormal Bruising
Blood clots


Swelling in legs or ankles-pressing the area leave an indentation
Tight feeling in calves
Itchy, Painful Legs
Heaviness in the legs
Pain when walking that stops when resting
Brown-colored skin, often only near the ankles
Rough, scaly, leathery-looking skin
Swelling of veins in the legs
Leg ulcers that are sometimes hard to treat
Chemical irritants
Caffeine consumption
Excessive junk food
Poor nutrition causing lack of essential vitamins and mineral (niacin, for one)
Lack of Exercises
Being Overweight
Damage from injuries, surgeries, or previous blood clots in the legs
Weak blood vessel walls due to pregnancy, aging, cysts, or tumors
Birth control pills
Hormone replacement therapy
Many autoimmune disorders bring on poor circulation

Please see section title Blood Pressure Gradients for further information on caused of Chronic Hypertension


Chemical irritants
Caffeine consumption
Excessive junk food
Poor nutrition causing lack of essential vitamins and minerals (niacin, for one)
Lack of Exercises
Being Overweight
Damage from injuries, surgeries, or previous blood clots in the legs
Weak blood vessel walls due to pregnancy, aging, cysts, or tumors
Birth control pills
Hormone replacement therapy
Many autoimmune disorders bring on poor circulation



LeAboutFace, LeAgeLess, LeCypernium, LeDeeper, LeEnergy, LeHeartSong, LeIntensity, LeKey To My Heart, LeMyGraine, LePaine, LePatches, LeSolitude, LeSunburst, LeVisibility, LeVitality, LeWarmDown, Anethi, Bergamot, Copaiba Balsam, Capsicum (carefully), Cypress, Dragonhead, Helichrysum, gGeranium, Gingergrass, Lemongrass, Pine, Peppermint, Spearmint, Thyme, Turneric, Vanilla, Violet Leaf, Wintergreen, Zanthoxylum

CARRIER OILS: Walnut, Calendula, Sandalwood Seed


As the pathways by which fresh, oxygenated blood is carried from the heart, arteries symbolize the life force that flows through the physical body. Lack of communication of what is in your heart, a blockage in the ability to move forward in some aspect of life, or subconsciously blocking the joy we might be experiencing is sometimes at the core of circulation problems. Allowing ourselves to take small steps toward being happy-in other words, gratitude to heaven and the people around us-can often be the first step to improved circulation.

The blood vessels and capillaries contract during cold weather or when cold is applied. Coldness or emotional withdrawal in response to hurt or grief sometimes results in poor circulation. It is interesting to note that poor circulation usually affects those body parts that go out into the world first-the feet and toes that carry us in the direction we want to go, and the fingers that reach out to touch and comfort others. Withdrawing emotionally for whatever reason or protecting ourselves from the coldness or withdrawal that you feel from others can result in circulatory issues.

There are places in the body where circulation is so important that alternative/secondary routes are provided by a loving creator. If one ponders what is really important in life, one realizes that our relationship with our Savior and our relationships with each other are the most important parts of our lives. Following that thought through to its logical conclusion, I think that it is likely that in our relationships we can find alternative ways to behave and communicate, rebuilding and restructuring our earthly relationships, growing ever closer to our Father in Heaven, and becoming more like our Savior.

LeAngel, LeBenediction, LeDeeper, LeDiscernment, LeFaith, LeGrace, LeInner Peace, LeIntention, LeReflections,



HVC (honey, vinegar, Cayenne) is an excellent way to improve circulation, BP, Cayenne/Hawthorn, Gingko/DongQuai, KNA, MIN, Angelica, Astragalus, Beet Root, Billberries (capillaries), Black Cohosh, Butcher's Broom, Cayenne, California Poppy, Chickweed, Corn Silk, Cramp Bark, Dandelion, Devil's Claw, Dulse, Elderberries (relaxes tension in arteries), Eleuthero, Fo Ti, Garlic, Gentian, Ginger, Ginkgo Biloba (arteries to brain), Goldenseal, Gotu Kola, Hawthorn Berries (coronary arteries), Horseradish, Horsetail, Hyssop, Lemon Balm, Licorice Root, Lomatium, Mistletoe, Moringa (prevents plaque buildup), Motherwort, Mustard Seed, Olive Leaf, Oregano, Osha, Passion Flower, Pleurisy Root, Prickly Ash (Reynaud's), Rhemania, Rosehips, St. John's Wort, Yarrow (strengthens)

I think it should be obvious from the long list of herbs above that circulation, artery and vein health play a huge role in ill-health and that God's Pharmacy (the wonderful world of herbs) has a great deal of assistance to offer us!


Niacin, Vitamin A (prevent high blood pressure), Vitamin E, Vitamin B9 (folate) Vitamin C, bioflavonoids, Zinc, citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables that contain vitamin C, vitamin K, Cayenne, chlorophyll, rutin, lecithin, calcium, magnesium, the flavonoids found in dark chocolate and other plants, sunflower seeds, salmon, avocados, fiber in the diet.


Special Circulatory Systems


A continuous supply of blood to the brain is of course, absolutely essential. Lack of blood to the brain for even a few minutes causes the delicate brain cells to die. The brain is supplied by the branches of common carotid arteries, which branch into smaller units feeding every portion and brain cell.

The anterior and posterior blood supplies are all united and tied together by a small arterial branch at the base of the brain. This complete circle of connecting blood vessels is called the Circle of Willis and surrounds the base of the brain. This amazing architecture protects the brain by providing more than one route for blood to reach brain tissue in case of a clot or impaired blood flow anywhere in the system. If you want to be amazed at the wonderful way our creator allowed for backup systems for backup systems, look up a picture of the Circle of Willis.


The liver is a very vital organ and is a key player in the maintenance of proper glucose, fat, and protein concentrations in the blood as well as dozens of other essential tasks. The hepatic portal circulatory system delivers blood directly from the digestive organs, spleen, and pancreas to the liver. Following a meal, the hepatic portal blood contains enormous amounts of nutrients. As the blood passes slowly through it, the liver removes nutrients to be processed immediately or stored for later release to the blood. The liver is so important that it gets fed first!

The liver is drained directly into the inferior Vena Cava by the hepatic portal system. This detour, taken by the hepatic portal circulation, is a unique circulatory system which very efficiently meets the needs of the liver and the long-term needs of the body-especially during times of hunger or increased nutritional needs.


In the body extremities, there is direct communication between the small arteries and the veins. Blood cannot flow from the arteries into the veins without having to pass through a system of capillaries. The main function of these connections (capillaries) is the control of body temperature. When these portals are open, heat loss increases and the body cools. You can test this for yourself by, when too warm in bed, sticking just your feet out from under the covers. If your feet are frequently cold, especially when just getting into bed, it is a pretty good sign that these valves are not functionally properly.


In utero, the placenta delivers the necessary oxygen to the fetus and handles the disposal of what waste products there are. Minor differences in the construction of the fetal heart-ductus venosus, ductus arteriosus, and foramen ovale) cause most of the blood leaving the right ventricle to bypass the fetal lungs. These ducts are designed to close when the baby draws its first breaths. The umbilical cord continues to pulse, bringing essential nutrients to the baby and removing waste for quite some time after birth-if it is not interfered with by early clamping and cutting. Study after study, the personal experience of hundreds of midwives, and the knowledge passed down through the generations have shown, without doubt, the benefits of patience at this stage of birth. It is best NOT to cut the cord immediately!!


The body is so wonderfully designed that I often sit in awe at the complexity of it all. One unique feature of the circulatory system is the alternative routes formed for blood flow if a problem develops or damage occurs along the normal flow path. When an alternative route is created, the new arteries which have taken on an extra workload, become larger to better enable them to handle a greater amount of blood flow.

In addition, the increased flow that is needed by certain arteries during unusual activities, even simple things such as breaking into a run or doing a little "happy dance", is met without any conscious thought on our part. It simply happens. At the same time, if necessary, blood supplies to the intestines shut down a bit so that the blood is directed to the sites where it is needed most at the moment. A little side note here-when we rest after a meal, a different reverse process occurs. blood flow is increased to the digestive organs and pulled away from the extremities, accounting for the cold feeling some people get in their legs and arms right after eating.


Blood is not evenly spread throughout the system, nor does it flow at the same rate everywhere. An area in the lower part of the brain, the vasomotor center, controls blood circulation and blood pressure as well as respiration. The vasomotor center receives information about blood pressure levels in various parts of the body from sensitive nerves in the aorta and carotid arteries. The vasomotor center then sends out instructions to the arterioles, lying between the small arteries and the capillaries. These arterioles are in charge of pressure levels and communication and, because of their location at the extreme ends of the system, known and control what is going on everywhere.


Valves are found in veins, but not in arteries. The beating of the heart provides the pressure needed to send blood throughout the body system. By the time blood has passed through the capillaries venous pressure alone is not sufficient to return the blood to the heart. Pressure builds up behind the series of valves in the veins. This allows the more pressurized blood to move back toward the heart. The changes in pressure created by the series of valves is responsible for venous blood flow! This pressure is great enough to counteract the effects of gravity and return the de-oxygenated blood to the heart, unless the venous valves are weakened or damaged.


The blood pressure in the arteries is related to the amount of blood being pumped out of the heart, the intensity of the heartbeat, and the amount of resistance that the blood flow meets in the arteries. The health of the heart muscle and of the arteries and veins is critically important to blood pressure.

Blood pressure is influenced by many factors. The most important of them is the constriction, or narrowing, of blood vessels either because of clogging in the vessels themselves or because of a problem with communication from the sympathetic nervous system. Blood viscosity and volume also play major roles. The thickness and quantity of blood is a function of the renal (kidney) system. Other contributing factors with blood pressure might include temperature, chemical substances, diet, exercise habits, body position, and emotional states-to name just a few.



Blood is composed of red and white blood cells, platelets, proteins, and certain chemicals suspended in a straw-colored fluid called plasma. In this article, we will discuss topics dealing with Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells, and Platelets.

Blood has many functions.
~ Blood carries oxygen from the lungs as well as essential nutrients from the digestive tract to other parts of the body.
~ It is in the blood that waste products are transferred to the kidneys and to the lungs for elimination from the body.
~ Blood transports antibodies and white blood cells to infected areas of the body where they are needed to fight infection.
~ Blood also transports heat from deep inside the body to the skin to keep body temperature stable.



Red blood cells, called erythrocytes, are responsible for carrying oxygen to the body's tissues. If a person is healthy, each cubic millimeter (0.006 of a cubic inch) of blood contains between four and six million red blood cells. Incredible to contemplate, isn't it? Oxygen is carried in the blood by iron ions in cells called hemoglobin.

I found it interesting to learn that when hemoglobin is oxygenated, it appears red in color as oxygen attaches to the heme proteins. Oxygen makes the appearance of blood in the arteries, when you can see them, appear red. After the oxygen is exchanged for carbon dioxide in the tissues, the hemoglobin carries the carbon dioxide back to the lungs where it is exhaled. Blood in the veins, empty of its load of oxygen, appears blue.

Red blood cells are the most numerous cells in the blood. They are produced in the bone marrow with production concentrated in the large bones of the upper leg and in the sternum. A fully mature red blood cell extrudes its nucleus before it enters the circulatory system. It does this in order to carry more oxygen. The concave shape of both the top and bottom of a red blood cell allows it to deform itself, changing shape to squeeze through very narrow spaces such as tiny capillaries.

A red blood cell has an average lifespan of about 120 days. The number of red blood cells remains stable, usually, as the production and aging of the cells cooperate with each other unless there is the presence of certain unnatural conditions in the body. These will be discussed in a few moments as we talk about anemia.

Red blood cells are stored in the spleen from which they can be discharged if they are needed in emergencies such as hemorrhage or heavy bleeding following an accident. Just before labor and delivery, the spleens of both mother and baby fill up with red blood cells in preparation for a possible emergency. I saw a couple of dramatic examples of this fact during my years as a midwife!

If there was not an 'emergency' need for the blood in the baby's spleen to surge into the baby's system during the birth process because there was no emergency, the excess red cells must be processed somehow. If mom and baby remain connected through and unclamped and uncut cord until the cord stops pulsing, the mother's liver, which has been handling things for the baby in utero, will process those red blood cells as it was designed to do. If the cord is clamped and cut immediately after birth, as is so often done following births in hospitals, the babie's must break those excess red blood cells down without any help from Mom.

What is wrong with that scenario? The baby's untried and immature liver is, most often, not up to the task and JAUNDICE is the result! Jaundice is rare in baby's where the cord remains attached-not clamped and cut-until it stops pulsing.


The fatigue and confusion of red blood cell deficiency is reflected in the emotional patterns. These patterns include lack of-deficiencies-in self-confidence, in joy in living, in enthusiasm for new experiences, and fearfulness in new situations. Sometimes this fearfulness may be the lack of care for oneself or working too hard or neglecting oneself and one's dietary needs.

Issues with blood seem to be intimately connected with family and with the way you view the inheritances of positive and negative traits from your fore-bearers. Some say that this connection begins in the womb where your mother's blood comes in intimate contact with your blood through the placenta as she provides you with nourishment and protects and cleans up behind you.



Iron Deficiency Anemia: Iron is necessary for the body to make red blood cells. Low iron intake or loss of blood due to menstruation, ulcers or cancer are some of the causes of this condition.

Anemia: as the result of chronic disease: People with chronic illnesses, especially kidney disease, tend to develop anemia.

Pernicious Anemia: A weakened stomach lining or an autoimmune condition may prevent the body from absorbing vitamin B12. This lack can lead to both anemia and nerve damage.

Aplastic Anemia: The bone marrow does not produce enough blood cells, including red blood cells. This condition can be caused by a number of things, including hepatitis, Epstein-Barr, HIV, or the side effects of drugs-including but not limited to-chemotherapy drugs. Even pregnancy can sometimes create this condition, usually temporarily.

Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia: An out-of-balance (overactive) immune system destroys the body's own red blood cells, causing anemia.

Hemolytic Anemia from Malaria: In much of the world, malaria is the most common cause of anemia. The bite of a mosquito transmits a parasite into a person's blood, where it infects red blood cells. Periodically, groups of red blood cells rupture, causing fever, chills, and organ damage.

Sickle Cell Anemia: The red blood cells are sticky and stiff. These damaged blood cells can block blood flow creating pain and even organ damage.


Polycythemia Vera: This is a condition in which too many red blood cells are produced. The cause, or causes, are unknown. Typically, these extra red blood cells cause no problem but, occasionally, they create blood clots in some individuals.

Megaloblastic Anemia: This is an extremely rare condition in which the bone marrow produces unusually large, structurally abnormal, immature red blood cells (megaloblasts). These red blood cells do not shed their nuclei as red blood cells are supposed to do (described above. As a result, the blood is unable to carry sufficient oxygen and nutrients to the cells and organs of the body. The medical world considers this condition to be vitamin and mineral absorption deficiency problem of no known cause, although that conclusion is preliminary. The diagnosis and life-expectancy of the person is very grim indeed!

Although it is considered rare, I have seen one case of this nasty disorder. It responded, to everyone's surprise and joy, to energy and alternative treatments. Recovery was slow, difficult, and included about every form of alternative treatments any of us, knew. The woman, herself, was amazing as she fought for her life and the privilege of raising her children! Homeopathic Remedies in High Potency played a huge role in this successful outcome.


   Tired and Weak
   Difficulty concentrating or thinking
   Loss of appetite
   Numbness, tingling or coldness of hands and feet
   Shortness of breath
   Irregular heartbeat
   Chest pain
   Pale or yellowish skin
Polycythemia vera:
   Blood clots in some people
Megaloblastic anemia:
   All of the symptoms of Anemia but in the extreme!


Low iron intake in the diet
Excessive bleeding with menstruation
Some chronic illnesses such as kidney disease, Epstein-Barr, HIV
A weakened stomach lining
Overactive immune system
Drug side effects
Even pregnancy if folate (real natural) is not part of the diet
Tight feeling in calves



LeDeeper, LeEmerge, LeEndoRelief, LeLivN, LeIntensity, LeReflections, LeRevitalize, LeUnDone, LeVictory, LeWeightless, Allspice, Anthopogon, Bay, Capsicum, Carrot Seed, Celery Seed, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Clementine (red blood cell production), Dill, Helichrysum, Hyssop, Laurel (natural blood thinner), Ledum, Lemon Verbena, Lime, Litsea Cubeba, Marjoram, Melissa, Mountain Savory, Myrrh, Parsley, Patchouli, Tangerine, Tarragon, Thyme, Tonka Bean (blood thinner), Vetiver, Yarrow


Vitamin E Oil, Sandalwood Seed, Walnut, LN Oil




AC, HVC (honey, vinegar, Cayenne), IBL, LC, LN, PF, PT, RC, Green Drink, Alfalfa, Angelica, Beet Root, Burdock, Cascara Sagrada, Chaparral, Comfrey Root, Dandelion Root, Dong Quai, Echinacea, Elderflower, Eyebright, Fo Ti, Garlic (prevent blood clots), Ginger, Gingkgo Biloba, Goldenseal Root, Mistletoe, Moringa, Myrrh, Nettles, Oregon Grape, Osha, Parsley Root, Periwinkle, Red Clover, Rehamania (anemia), Sarsaparilla, Sheep Sorrel, Shepherds's Purse, Stillingia, Turmeric, Wood Betony, Yarrow, Yellow Dock, Yerba Santa


Vitamin A, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E (carries oxygen, proper blood clotting, prevents anemia), Vitamin K, Niacin, Calcium, Copper, Iron, Manganese (proper blood clotting)



Our bodies are constantly under attack from a variety of viruses, bacteria, fungi, and an assortment of other microbes as well as a number of parasites. The skin and the mucous membranes keep most of these potential invaders out of our bodies. Those who make it through this line of defense will then face a whole barrage of attacks from the various forms of white blood cells in the blood. The function of our white blood cells are to recognize and destroy harmful invading particles before they can cause disease and infection.

Some white blood cells are tasked with directly destroying all sorts of foreign invaders, while other white blood cells attack our own cells when they have become infected, inflamed, and damaged by viruses. Other types of white blood cells play a key role in allergic reactions. Most types of white blood cells, like red blood cells, can squeeze through small spaces to arrive at sites of infection. White blood cells of whatever type are produced in the bone marrow.


Since white blood cells fight off infection and other disease states, people tend to think that elevated levels of white blood cells are beneficial. This is not necessarily true! A high white blood cell count can indicate a number of problems such as the presence of an infection, excessive amounts of stress, inflammation, trauma, an allergy, or a number of other diseases at play in the body.

Following is a brief discussion of some of the reasons why your white blood cell count may become elevated.

~ Infections: When there is an infection in the body, the bone marrow produces more white blood cells to fight off the infection. Infections can lead to inflammation which, in turn, can cause the number of white blood cells to increase as white blood cells are needed to destroy infected and inflamed tissues.
~ Smoking: Lung diseases such as emphysema, or even chronic bronchitis from any cause, create inflammation in the lungs resulting-as explained above-in an increase of certain types of white blood cells.
~ Leukemia and other blood cancers dramatically increase the number of white blood cells. If the cells are unhealthy, which is highly likely with leukemia, the elevated white blood cell count does not necessarily mean that there will be additional protection from the risk of infection. In fact, just the opposite is most often true.
~ Immune system disorders: Certain auto-immune disorders such as Crohn's or Graves' disease create elevated white blood cell levels.
~ Stress: Emotional or physical stress can also raise white blood cell counts. I can find no documentation for this, but I cannot help but speculate that with all of the damage that stress can do to the body, elevated white blood cell levels are the body's way of trying to keep us protected in spite or ourselves. As many of us have experienced, we seem to stay well during stressful and demanding situations only to fall ill immediately after the stressful situation has been resolved.
~ Exercise: Physical exercise increases white blood cell production and allows your body to identify disease-causing organisms more rapidly, giving us one more benefit of regular exercise. Immediately-within 24 hours-after exercise, white blood cells count return to normal levels.


Believing others to be more capable, more talented, etc. than you believe yourself to be. Surrendering your individuality and decision making to the opinions and demands of others. These feelings coming at a person and changing their mindset and desires can put a great deal of strain on the immune system-literally, as in autoimmune disorders, rendering the body and the mind unable to distinguish what is good for oneself and what is not. The loss of a spouse or the alienation of a beloved child is, too often, observed to compromise immunity and the ability to throw off what is not good for the self.



The symptoms of things that have gone wrong with red blood cells are quite debilitating and even serious but, it seems to me, when white blood cells develop trouble that trouble is very serious indeed.

Lymphoma: A blood cancer that develops in the lymph system. White blood cells become malignant, multiplying, and spreading carrying cancer cells throughout the very system that is designed to collect abnormal cells and protect us from them.

Leukemia: A blood cancer in which white blood cells become malignant and then multiply inside the bone marrow. Leukemia may be rapid and severe or of a chronic, more slowly progressing type.

Multiple Myeloma: A cancer of plasma cells. Plasma cells are a type of white blood cell in bone marrow. With this condition, a group of plasma cells becomes cancerous and begin to multiply. The disease damages the bones, negatively impacts the immune system, overwhelms the kidneys, and affects the red blood cell count until, if they have survived so far.

Symptoms may not be present or may be non-specific, such as loss of appetite, bone pain, and frequent low-grade fevers. Myeloma is difficult to diagnose in these earlier stages. Once diagnosed, the estimated lifespan is usually noticeably short. As the cancerous cells multiply, they release damaging substances that eventually cause organ damage in various parts of the body. More often than not, it is kidney failure that kills the patient and kidney herbs such as parsley that help prolong life and quality of life.

Myelodysplastic Syndromes: A variety of blood cancers that affect the bone marrow's ability to manufacture blood cells.


Frequent infections
Repeated fevers, usually with chills
Frequent bladder infections
Lung difficulties such as coughing and difficulty breathing
Mouth sores or red and white patches in mouth
Sore throat
Painful urination or pee that smells bad
Cuts and sores that drain pus
Unusual vaginal discharge or itching
Extreme fatigue and weakness


Cancer-some types (Multiple Myeloma, for one) destroy white blood cells
Cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation
Autoimmune diseases such as Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis and many others
Drugs and medications
Infections, especially viruses
Long-term stress and anxiety
Lack of exercise Yes, exercise really does increase white blood cell counts.



All pure essential oils increase the production of white blood cells to some extent because they strengthen the body in fights against infectious diseases. Essential oils have particular note are included in the list below. Research (and my personal experience) has shown that people who consistently use pure essential oils have a higher level of resistance to illnesses, colds, flus, and diseases than the average person. Further, such individuals, if they do contract an illness, will recover faster than those who do not use essential oils

LeAutumn, LeBreezy, LeCinnamonBear, LeDeliverance, LeDeliverance Plus, LeExhale, LeGoodNite, LeGrateful Heart, LeHousewarming, LeJourney, LeLife Force, LeLivN, LeSpiceC, LeRevitalize, Clove, Eucalyptus, Ginger, Hinoki, Lemon Verbena, Mountain Savory, Oregano, Rosemary, Saro, Tea Tree, Thyme



AD, BRON, CF, COMP, FC, KNA, LIC, MS, RC, RC-L, TRT, FN, PRT, Alfalfa, Aloe Vera, Ashwagandha, Astragalus, Bayberry Root, Bee Pollen, Cascara Sagrada, Catnip, Comfrey, Dulse, Echinacea, Garlic, Ginger, Ginseng, Goldenseal, Hops, Licorice, Nettles, Oregon Grape, Parsley, Peppermint, Plantain, Red Clover, Sage, Sarsaparilla, Turmeric


Folate-Vitamin B9 found in greens (Please use natural sources as many artificial sources/supplements not only don't work well but can be destructive in their own ways); Vitamin B12; Vitamin A, Vitamin C; Zinc; fish; eggs; poultry; beef; milk; beans; vegetables and fruits which are high in beta-carotene such as carrots, pumpkin, squash, sweet potatoes, apricots and mangoes; Citrus fruits and other fruits such as guava, grapes, strawberries, papaya, and kiwi, most kitchen/cooking spices, nuts, olive oil, omega-3 fatty acids, apple cider vinegar



Platelets are small fragments of larger blood cells. Surface proteins exposed by the fragmentation process allow them to adhere to the lining of injured blood vessels. Once attached to the blood vessel lining, these platelets extend filaments which capture yet more platelets and, at the same time, release chemicals that attract even more platelets. The smart little platelets then change shape so as to clump together more firmly. Altogether, these attributes make platelets highly effective at sealing a torn blood vessel and stopping bleeding. These clumped together platelets piling together is call aggregation.

The reactions described above in the formation of clots which stop bleeding are balanced and controlled by other reactions that stop the clotting process and dissolve the adhered clots once the blood vessel has healed. Without this control system, or if this control system fails, even minor blood vessel injuries could trigger widespread clotting everywhere in the body. In a minor way, this is what happens when a person bruises easily. The ability of the body to form clots when needed is vital. However, too much clotting increases the risk of a heart attack, a stoke or a pulmonary embolism (a blood clot in the lung which can become serious very quickly).



Thrombocytopenia (several varieties): A small number of platelets in the blood from a variety of causes or from no known cause at all. A low platelet count may be the result of a reaction to heparin, a blood thinning drug given to many hospitalized people to prevent blood clots.

Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura is a rare blood disorder which causes small blood clots to form in blood vessels throughout the body. Platelets are used up to create these unnecessary and troublesome clots, leading to a low platelet count. Frequent bleeding and easy bruising are the result.

Primary Thrombocythemia (thrombocytosis): The body produces too many platelets and these platelets do not work as they should. The result may be excessive clotting, uncontrolled bleeding, or both. Too much clotting, with this condition, can lead to a heart attack or a stroke.

Deep Vein Thrombosis: A blood clot deep in a vein, often in the leg. A blood clot of this sort may dislodge and travel through the heart to the lungs where it causes a pulmonary embolism.

Hemophilia: A condition in which the ability of the blood to clot properly is severely impaired. In severe cases, even slight injuries may result in severe bleeding. Very serious or advanced forms of hemophilia produce the risk of internal bleeding which may damage internal tissues and even organs of the body.


Petechiae, which are smaller-almost pinpoint sized red spots from the bursting of tiny capillaries. These are sometimes first seen in the mouth
Small red spots on the hands where blood vessels have burst (called Telangiectasias)
Bruising, which is caused by minor leaking of weakened veins and/or capillaries with the blood then pooling under the skin because it has no way to return to the vessels and move out of the tissues.
Changes in vision
Slurred speech
Transient ischemic attacks (mini strokes)
Difficulty breathing
Chest pain
Heart palpitations


Bone Marrow diseases such as leukemia, and aplastic anemia
Viral or Bacterial Infection
Some type of cancer
Autoimmune disorders such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and other
Inherited genetic factors
Severe vitamin deficiencies (B12 and folate-Vitamin B9)
Alcohol abuse
Liver cirrhosis


The ability of platelets to clump/join and then form a strong, well-defined protective substance is reflected in the emotions of platelet issues. Weakening of the family unit, feeling, or knowing that this basic component of life-family members-is weak or even destructive could very easily play into such things as anemia and reflects the lack of ability or desire to let others support you. "I will do it myself" is the mindset I am referring to here.

An aversion to-or at least shying away-from situations in which you might need to rely on someone else for help or advice-might indicate a problem with blood platelets. On the other hand, clotting inappropriately may result in the need to form and be part of groups as a means of protection and reassurance.

I am told that one of the first sentences out of my mouth as a child was, "I can do it myself." I believe this inability to even want to rely on others for help may have been an underlying factor in the anemia I suffered from during pregnancies and after even the best of births. (I think that I likely inherited the trait of ‘independence' from my mother!)



LeAboutFace, LeBountiful, LeDeliverance, LeEternity, LeGrace, LeLivN, LeMelaPlus, LeSimplicity, LeSpiceC, LeTurmoil, Basil, Cinnamon, Cistus, Cypress, Frankincense, Geranium, Ginger, Grapefruit, Helichrysum, Lemon, Lemon Myrtle, Melissa, Manuka, Mountain Savory, Nutneg, Orange, Tangerine, Yarrow

Yarrow should probably be voided if a person is taking prescription blood thinners. A similar caution is given for Dong Quai for Coumadin prescription medication.



Herbs (and vegetables to some extent) act to bring the body into balance (homeostasis). This means that almost all essential oils, herbs, vegetables, vitamins, minerals, and foods that stop bleeding also help thin the blood when that is needed. This is one of the main reasons why herbs, etc. work without side effects (unlike drugs)!


KNA, Alfalfa, Bee Pollen, Cascara Sagrada, Catnip, Cayenne, Comfrey, Dulse, Feverfew, Ginger, Hops, Nettles, Parsley, Peppermint, Plantain, Red Clover, Sage, Turmeric


Folate-Vitamin B9 found in greens (Please use natural sources as many artificial sources/supplements not only don not work well but can be destructive in their own ways); Vitamin B12, Vitamin K-Kale is the King of Vitamin K plants. Others are Spinach, Brussels Sprouts, Broccoli, Asparagus, Sauerkraut, Pickles, Pumpkin, Pine Nuts, and Blueberries. Pineapple contains bromelain which has anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant properties; curry powder, dill ginger, oregano, paprika, thyme, turmeric

Vitamin B3 (Niacin) helps dissolve blood clots when they are inappropriate. A few notable ones are Cassia Cinnamon (which is also the main ingredient in Warfarin-a medical blood thinner.

As you can tell by the length of this article there is so much to learn about blood, and it plays an important part in our bodies.