Cleaning Kit

This kit comes with an Industrial grade spray bottle 8oz, and a 50ml Lemon, and a 50ml Orange Sweet


PHYSICAL ASPECTS: Lemon essential oil supports the respiratory system and is useful for asthma, bronchitis, sore throat, sinusitis, and most other respiratory complaints. Lemon oil tightens smooth muscles and strengthens connective tissue throughout the body. Lemon oil can be used for a liver or lymphatic cleanse. After cleansing is complete, lemon oil can stimulate the pancreas and the entire endocrine system.

Orange Sweet

Orange sweet essential oil brings peace and happiness to the mind and body and joy to the heart. It provides emotional support to overcome sadness and courage to escape emotional and physical abuse. This oil reestablishes optimism and a sense of humor when they have become lost through abuse or sadness. Orange sweet can make even the most mundane practical task flow along easily and enjoyably.

GENERAL INFORMATION: This is a very versatile and inexpensive essential oil. It works very well as a cleaner, removing sticky adhesive residue from most surfaces.