
(Angelica archangelica)

INGREDIENT IN: LeBenediction, LeConnection, LeEverlasting, LeMagi, LeMoonlight, LeTrust, LeUnity, LeVision

THERAPEUTIC PROPERTIES: anticoagulant, antiviral, calming, expectorant, sedative, stomachic, tonic

AFFINITY FOR: liver, respiration, central vessel meridian, digestion, hormone balance, brow chakra

RESONANCE: physical, emotional

PLANT FAMILY: Umbelliferae


EXTRACTION METHOD: steam distilled

APPLICATION: Angelica can be applied to the feet or on any area of the body.

AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: Angelica has an earthy aroma that is beneficial during times of anxiety, fear, depression, and emotional or spiritual instability.

EMOTIONAL - SPIRITUAL - MENTAL ASPECTS: Angelica is often called the “oil of angels.” The physical and emotional aspects of this oil cannot be easily separated, even in a description as they deal with the emotions generated when the physical liver becomes clogged and toxic.

Angelica, either by itself or as part of a blend formula, seems to weaken the power of traumatic memories and events. The event still happened and the memory is still there, but the devastating effects on the body and mind are greatly minimized.

Angelica has this effect on the mind because it releases toxins and congestion from the liver. The liver, according to Eastern tradition, is the seat of anger and rage. The letting go of these emotions allows the liver to let go of physical toxicity as well. Physically, a toxic liver produces headaches, muscle aches, fatigue, dry hair and skin, poor circulation, and respiratory problems. A liver clogged by toxic emotions creates feelings of displacement, annoyance, resentment, anger, and discontentment.

Angelica helps us hone the spiritual gift of keeping our perspective clear—seeing ourselves and the world around us accurately and “as it really is.”

ADDITIONAL PHYSICAL ASPECTS: The use of Angelica is also appropriate for anorexia, bruises, colds, colic, coughs, flatulence, indigestion, menopause, pre-menstrual tension, and arthritis. This essential oil is also beneficial for the respiratory system. It is a mild expectorant with anti-infectious qualities that make it effective as an inhalant for chronic bronchitis, asthma, respiratory type flus, pneumonia, sinus infections, and coughs.

CAUTIONS: Angelica should be avoided if diabetic or pregnant. Areas of the skin to which Angelica has been applied should not be exposed to direct sunlight for a few hours.

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