
INGREDIENTS: Coriander, Eucalyptus Peppermint, Geranium, Grapefruit, Katrafay, Lavender Officinalis, Lime

AFFINITY FOR: digestive, liver and gallbladder, urinary system, reproductive system, all the energy system—especially yin/yang balance, immunity, male and female energies

APPLICATION: Diffuse, place 2-3 drops in the bath, a great massage oil.

AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: This oil contains woodsy notes as well as a splash of citrus Lime.

GENERAL INFORMATION: A wonderful rejuvenating blend. This is an oil that brings balance to the soul. It energizes the mind and opens communication between body systems as well as our communication with others. Diffuse during the last trimester, during labor, and in the sleepless weeks that follow.

EMOTIONAL - SPIRITUAL - MENTAL ASPECTS: LeAmbition resonates in the high spiritual range. LeAmbition cultivates a feeling of self worth, calming the spirit, opening the mind, and removing negativity and hesitation. It helps us deal with fear of failure and fear of making decisions. LeAmbition balances the yin/yang energies, and promotes the ability to both move forward in achieving one's goals, while being mindful of the needs of others.

PHYSICAL ASPECTS: LeAmbition is a whole body rejuvenation. It is a pick-me-up for every part of every system of your body. This makes LeAmbition an amazing oil to use when recovering from illness. LeAmbition is a great stress relieving oil, and can be used for headaches, mental fatigue, and revitalizing a weary mind.

©Copyright Butterfly Expressions 2020, 2021