
(Deadly nightshade)

Belladonna acts on the brain, nerve centers, glandular, and lymphatic systems. Symptoms, whether in the abdomen, head, or elsewhere, come on suddenly and will include heat and throbbing. High fever with red cheeks and great sensitivity to movement, noise, temperature, and light is also part of a Belladonna picture. The fever will be dry with skin that is hot but very dry to the touch (no moisture or sweating and, though the mouth is dry there will be no thirst). Illnesses that will respond to Belladonna are almost always accompanied by a violent headache. If other symptoms indicate it, Belladonna should be considered whenever there is twitching and trembling of any kind. Symptoms are made worse by light, motion, noise, and touch.

MENTALS: Acuteness of all senses; fear and anxiety; rage during headaches; may become wildly delirious; manic; delusions, hallucinations

CONDITIONS: Cluster headaches and migraines that come on suddenly with throbbing pain; rashes that are bright scarlet and hot to the touch; breast infections with throbbing redness; boils; high fevers with hot face and head but cold legs and feet; insomnia and sleep disorders that include jerking and kicking while asleep; throbbing headaches; menstrual cramps with bright red bleeding; throbbing in carotid and temporal arteries; nervous and/or mental disorders; urine retention (any time but very useful after giving birth; reactions to vaccines

COMMENTS AND INDICATIONS:With Belladonna, the symptoms come on suddenly and develop rapidly. If other symptoms indicate it, Belladonna should be considered whenever there is twitching and trembling of any kind. Symptoms are made worse by light, motion, noise, and touch.