Cina maritima


The first remedy for worms and other parasites. Keynotes: does not want to be touched or even have someone come near; ailments occur at the same time each day.

KEYNOTES: Extreme irritability; child cannot be quieted; capricious; angry; tantrums, to the point of convulsions; tantrums or convulsions from being disciplined; constantly picks at nose.
(Bulimia) Characteristic wanting everything but then dissatisfied or mad at themselves for eating it. A keynote of Cina is habitual chewing on the hair, fingernails, lips, or some other part of the body. Children display extreme naughtiness, including kicking and biting. Teens and women become indifferent to touch and caresses. This is a remedy for worms and the possibility of that sort of thing should be considered. Both of these eating disorders, anorexia and bulimia, appear to be anger/self-hate issues. They are sometimes, but certainly not always, tied to abuse. When they are the result of abuse, the feeling seems to be that since it would be wrong to hate the person who abused them (because it is a parent or sibling or they have been taught that hating others is bad), they turn the hatred inward on themselves. Low self-esteem and dissatisfaction with their physical attributes and appearance, for whatever reason, is a contributing factor.
(ADHD and Learning and Behavioral Disorders) A keynote of Cina is habitual chewing on the hair, fingernails, lips, or some other part of the body. Children display extreme naughtiness, including kicking and biting. Want to be carried, held, or rocked, but are not comforted by these actions or anything else. Teens and women become indifferent or annoyed by touches or caresses. There is often a history of periodic bed wetting, more often at the time of the full moon. Cina is considered a remedy for parasites and I have often wondered how much part parasites play in behavior and learning difficulties.

SANKARAN MENTALS: Feels that he is being persecuted by insults and emotional injuries.

MIASM: Malaria

COMPARISONS: Chamomilla vulgaris, Arum metallicum, Medorrhinum

**All descriptions of spiritual and physical healing properties were researched and collected from various sources. This information is offered as a service and is not meant to treat medical conditions. Butterfly Expressions does not guarantee the accuracy of any of these statements.

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