Ignatia amara

(Bitter Candytuff)

One of the 3 famous grief remedies (others are Natrum muriaticum and Phosphoricum acidum). Marked action on the heart; palpitations with vertigo and choking; heart symptoms made worse by going up stairs or hills; undemonstrative in grief, often bears intense suffering without complaining or uttering a word (see Loganiaceae family description); predominantly a women’s remedy; pathological disorders brought on by grief or romantic disappointments; inflammation of the joints or twitching of the muscles.
(Chronic Anxiety-Based Disorders) The primary indication for Ignatia is emotional stress, especially disappointment, loss, criticism by loved ones, or grief. There will be a defensive attitude, mood swings, frequent sighing, sudden bursting into either tears or laughter. Difficult to comfort because they do not want company, especially sympathetic company because of fear of being hurt even further. They are very sad, introspective, and brooding. Insomnia will have become a problem, although they probably won’t tell you about it. The picture of Ignatia is very similar to the symptoms of the cancer miasm.
(ADHD and Learning and Behavioral Disorders) This homeopathic remedy is almost always associated with grief or a bad fright of some kind. Often employed for adults and children alike when there are ailments that seem to stem from grief or fear. The basis is often the death, or near death, of a parent or sibling, or the recent divorce of the child’s parents. The child is grieving, but their grief is compounded by the fear that nothing and no one in their lives can be counted on to stay with them. These children are oversensitive and nervous. Their moods undergo rapid alterations and they are often quarrelsome. They are intolerant of contradiction or reprimands. A reprimand will cause them to immediately show anger, followed by the return and intensifying of their grief and sorrow. A keynote is the volatility of emotion—laughter turns suddenly to tears.

KEYNOTES: Superficial and erratic character of symptoms; symptoms arising from grief or disappointment; pulse full, irregular, intermittent; convulsions in children after a fright.

SANKARAN MENTALS: A very deep need—an absolute must—to keep control during shock, grief, disappointment, bad news of the sort that would make most people feel shattered, torn to pieces, and ruined.

MIASM: Cancer

COMPARISONS: Spigelia anthelmintica, Digitalis purpurea, Cactus grandiflorus, Belladonna, Crataegus oxyacantha

**All descriptions of spiritual and physical healing properties were researched and collected from various sources. This information is offered as a service and is not meant to treat medical conditions. Butterfly Expressions does not guarantee the accuracy of any of these statements.

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