Silica terra (Silicea)

(Pure Flint)

Helps improve defective nutrition when lack of assimilation is the problem; especially useful for children. Removes splinters, bits of glass and other obstructions from the body Silica terra is commonly seen in flint and sand; this is reflected in the remedy—certain grittiness, a tendency to form hard lumps, etc. Sand is parent material for glass, thus, the brittleness of this remedy

(Chronic Anxiety-Based Disorders) Indicated for people who are capable and confident most of the time, but prone to temporary loss of confidence when under stress or embroiled in the criticism common to family disputes. Worry and overwork can bring on headaches, difficulty concentrating, exhaustion, over sensitivity, dread, and just plain panic when faced with public performances that they would normally have taken in stride. Loss of stamina becomes a keynote if the stress is not removed and balance restores. (predominantly a psora miasm but also sycotic).

(Pica) Cravings are for lime, sand, and raw foods. Extremely chilly and all symptoms are made worse by cold except for stomach complaints which are better by cold. Glandular disturbances and a tendency to sweat profusely, especially on the feet. Children were usually slow in learning to walk and complains of weak ankles into adulthood. Emotionally obstinate, irritable, and headstrong, there is also nervousness, apprehension, and over sensitivity to criticism. They often cry when spoken kindly to.

(ADHD and Learning and Behavioral Disorders) Sand—gritty but not stable. Silica children are sure they have an inner weakness or inadequacy. They compensate for this by being defiant and obstinate and pushing themselves too hard. These children need others to think well of them and appreciate their abilities. They suffer extreme anxiety before tests and performances. Occasionally, the flip-side of yielding will be seen, but not often.

GENERALS: Helps improve defective nutrition when lack of assimilation is the problem; especially useful for children. Removes splinters, bits of glass and other obstructions from the body; Silica terra is commonly seen in flint and sand; this is reflected in the remedy—certain grittiness, a tendency to form hard lumps, etc. Sand is parent material for glass, thus, the brittleness of this remedy.

MENTALS: Lack of self-confidence, overwhelmed by task; Anxiety from noise; Stage fright.

MODALITIES: Worse in winter (feels cold, chilly, hugs the fire, and wants warm clothing); Averse to fats, milk; Often adversely affected by vaccination; Better from heat and massage.

FIRST AID CONDITIONS: Splinters and slivers; slow recovery or healing; boils; headache; glandular swelling; whitlow and other nail problems; pus formation; scarring; abscesses.

FIRST AID COMMENTS AND INDICATION: Some of the ailments of Silica seem to be brought about by shock or mental strain. Silica will bring an abscess to a head or cause a sliver or other foreign object to leave the body. The object will work its way to the surface where pus will form from which the object can be removed—rather amazing, actually.

This is a remedy that I use often; lack of assimilation is so common these days, creating problems with hair, skin and nails. Silica terra will also remove a sliver or embedded piece of glass, etc. because of it’s effects on the pus of early infection. Silica is a follow-up (companion remedy) of Pulsatilla nigricans.

**All descriptions of spiritual and physical healing properties were researched and collected from various sources. This information is offered as a service and is not meant to treat medical conditions. Butterfly Expressions does not guarantee the accuracy of any of these statements.

©Copyright Butterfly Expressions 2020