Spongia tosta

(Roasted Sponge)

Spongia tosta is a remedy of renown for acute respiratory infections and coughs—no remedy that I know of covers more types of coughs. This is an important remedy for asthma and cardiac disorders—specifically heart valve problems. Oceanic remedies are often useful for thyroid disease, glandular problems, and lymphatic congestion. This is certainly true of Spongia tosta

(Panic Attacks) Attacks that occur with a feeling of tightness or strangulation in the throat, accompained by fear of death from suffocation. Causes may be emotional (freedom or agency issues or fear and anxiety centered around heart health) or physical (glandular or endocrine disorders).

(CFS) Spongia tosta is specific to the adrenal glands. With improved adrenal gland function comes more energy, and more ability to accomplish the days tasks. Some of the symptoms for which Spongia tosta is effective are: clothes feel uncomfortable, especially at the waist, stiffness in muscles, constipation, and fear of the future. Spongia tosta acts a stimulant to the liver.

PHYSICAL/GENERAL: Hoarseness and dryness of the throat; vertigo and giddiness; paralytic muscle pain; spasmodic clenching of the bronchial tubes; dry chronic sympathetic cough of heart disease.

MENTAL/EMOTIONAL: Instinctive movement away from danger and discomfort; constantly seeking a safer environment; timid; fearful; full of terror and anxiety; panic attacks; fears death; grudges (like the holding of a grudge is emotionally supportive to them; awakes in fright with feeling of suffocating; attacks of heat with extreme anxiety; a tendency to replace a relationship if they feel unsupported; cannot tolerate being, or feeling alone; immature; dependent on others; go into the water when stressed or ill.

MODALITIES: Better lying horizontal, head low; better from eating or drinking, especially warm food or drink; better in cold weather; worse from exertion, sweets, touch or pressure, motion, lying on the right side.

This is a remedy that I use often; lack of assimilation is so common these days, creating problems with hair, skin and nails. Silica terra will also remove a sliver or embedded piece of glass, etc. because of it’s effects on the pus of early infection. Silica is a follow-up (companion remedy) of Pulsatilla nigricans.

**All descriptions of spiritual and physical healing properties were researched and collected from various sources. This information is offered as a service and is not meant to treat medical conditions. Butterfly Expressions does not guarantee the accuracy of any of these statements.

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