Zincum metallicum

(Zinc Metal)

Most often used in people with over excited nervous systems that is manifested by great restlessness, twitches, and constant mental activity. The over-stimulated state is followed by dullness, depression, and occasionally, suicidal thoughts. There are keynotes of irritable disposition, constant complaining, and feeling that nothing in their life is any good at all. miasms: psora, Alzheimers. Interesting since psora and Alzheimer’s are opposite ends of the desperation spectrum as well as, typically, opposite ends of the life cycle—in an energetic sense if not in life. Many symptom pictures and ailments begin gently but spin downward into ever increasing desperation.

(ADHD and Learning and Behavioral Disorders) Anemia, poor nutrition, or poor assimilation of nutrients is part of the Zincum symptom picture. These children are easily startled or distracted by noise. They are often fidgety, especially their feet, and symptoms improve—for a time—if they are allowed to run about for a few moments.

(Suicidal Depression) Most often used in people with over excited nervous systems that is manifested by great restlessness, twitches, and constant mental activity. The over-stimulated state is followed by dullness, depression, and occasionally, suicidal thoughts. There are keynotes of irritable disposition, constant complaining, and feeling that nothing in their life is any good at all. miasms: psora, Alzheimers. Interesting since psora and Alzheimer’s are opposite ends of the desperation spectrum as well as, typically, opposite ends of the life cycle—in an energetic sense if not in life. Many symptom pictures and ailments begin gently but spin downward into ever increasing desperation.

**All descriptions of spiritual and physical healing properties were researched and collected from various sources. This information is offered as a service and is not meant to treat medical conditions. Butterfly Expressions does not guarantee the accuracy of any of these statements.

©Copyright Butterfly Expressions 2020