Middle C Sound

(Adrenal Cortex)

Middle C is for feelings of being disconnected from or unaccepted by home, family, or community. A remedy for chronic depression, suicidal thoughts or tendencies, prolonged grief, and any inability to cope with a move, a job change, or the loss of a relationship. Middle C is good for finding and following a purpose in life. It helps with organizational skills. Helpful with pain and irritation in joints and ligaments, of feet, ankles, knees, and hips. Middle C is good for bowel, rectal, circulatory problems, varicose veins, and autoimmune imbalances. Helps in childbirth and postpartum care.

**All descriptions of spiritual and physical healing properties were researched and collected from various sources. This information is offered as a service and is not meant to treat medical conditions. Butterfly Expressions does not guarantee the accuracy of any of these statements.

©Copyright Butterfly Expressions 2020

Middle C Sound

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