Allergies #2

This remedy is for neuralgic headaches, bites, stings, and coughs.


The following is a small amount of information on each of the INGREDIENTS of this combination.

GUACO (climbing hempweed) Guaco grows in tropical areas and has a local reputation for relief from the bites of scorpions and snakes. This remedy acts predominantly on the nervous system. Outstanding symptoms are pain along the spine and constriction and feeling of paralysis in the throat.

CADMIUM METALLICUM (cadmium metal) Cadmium markedly affects the eyes with light sensitivity, burning, and inflammation occurring. There may be extreme neuralgic headaches, difficult respiration with coughs that are mucus-filled—sometimes blood-streaked—with bronchial and pulmonary distress. Chronic dermatitis is often seen.

EUPHORBIUM OFFICINARUM (gum euphorbium) The symptom picture includes hay fever, headache, inflammation of the eyelids with itching, constant dry cough with a hollow sound, dryness of the mouth with a white-coated tongue, and ringing in the ears—especially when sneezing and at night.

Pursue Additional Knowledge

Restoring health and proper functioning to the body following an accident or illness is something that should concern us all. Doing so without causing further harm can be a challenging proposition. This has always been the goal of good people working in medical modalities. Homeopathy can be, for anyone willing to make an effort, the answer to that quest. Learn more in the Basic Homeopathy Blog

Homeopathics are very effective for a great many emergencies and first aid situations. They are also unique in their effects for even severe allergic reactions. Learn more in the Homeopathic-First Aid-Allergy Blog

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