

The following is a small amount of information on each of the INGREDIENTS of this combination.

ARSENICUM ALBUM (White Oxide of Arsenic) Arsenicum is a leading polycrest—an absolutely amazing whole body remedy—for anything to do with the digestive and intestinal tracts and many other systems. A few (very few) keynote symptoms include burning pain in the stomach and abdomen, rumbling and cramping pains in the bowels, violent squeezing and constriction in the umbilical region, and enlargement of the liver and the spleen.

BRYONIA ALBA (Wild Hops) The symptoms of Bryonia include coughs, headaches, influenza, nosebleeds, sharp pain when swallowing, pleurisy, whooping cough, and mucus membranes are all dry with excessive thirst. Modalities include better for rest and aggravated by motion. Mental/emotional symptoms include being exceedingly irritable and wanting to be left alone.

CALCAREA FLUORATA (Fluoride of Lime) Murphy’s Materia Medica lists burns from X-ray and radiation. Other symptoms include sharp pains in hepatic region, bony growths and spurs, deficient enamel of teeth, weakness, nausea and distress—especially when fatigued and gouty enlargements of fingers.

CALENDULA OFFICINALIS (Pot Marigold) Calendula is a remarkable healing agent, applied locally or given internally in homeopathic potency. Calendula promotes the rapid healing of wounds, cuts, abrasions, lacerations, and broken skin surfaces. Calendula prevents scar tissue formation, stops bleeding—especially from the scalp or mouth, and is excellent before or after surgery.

CAUSTICUM (Caustic Potash) The pain associated with Causticum includes contracted tendons, muscle pain, paralysis of individual parts, burning with rawness and soreness, weakness and loss of muscular strength that creates unsteady walking and easy falling, and pain in the spine.

CONIUM MACULATUM (Poison Hemlock) This is an ancient poison (given to Socrates), the action of which is progressive, ascending paralysis which kills when respiratory failure sets in. For whatever reason—in this case, some sort of toxicity from which the body needs to detox—the body is stiffening, the muscles become weak, the chest becomes tight, the glands become painful, and eventually there is weakness of body and mind with trembling all over.

EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS (Eyebright) Euphrasia is specific for allergic reactions with a pronounced action on the eyes. Symptoms include eye irritation with discharge and copious watering, glandular swellings, and very offensive sweat as the body attempts to detoxify from the inhaled poisons.

HYDROFLUORICUM (Hydrofluoric Acid) Sudden watery discharge from the nose. Particularly acrid-smelling perspiration. Rapidly decaying teeth, especially at the roots. Sore throat with constriction in throat that makes swallowing difficult. Fetid breath.

IODIUM (Iodine) Great debility, the slightest exertion brings on perspiration. Always feels too hot. A connective tissue remedy. Joints inflamed and painful. Raw and tickling feeling in lungs producing a dry cough. Chronic, exhausting diarrhea.

LEDUM PALUSTRE (Wild Rosemary) Ledum affects the fibrous tissues of joints, especially the tendons of the ankles and heels. Symptoms include confusion of the mind, difficulty thinking, cold all the time with the limbs being particularly cold. This combination is often indicated as a treatment for Lyme disease and other “spirochete” caused illnesses with the symptoms having begun at the time of insect stings or bites. There is pain gradually rising from the feet to the head.

NAPTHLALINUM (Tar Camphor) Affinity for the eyes. Detachment of the retina, deposits an exudation in the retina. Opcaity of cornea, cataract, amblyopia. Long and continued attacks of coughing, unable to get a breath, sometimes so violent as to cause perspiration. Whooping cough.

NATRUM MURIATICUM (Sodium Chloride) Symptoms appropriate to this remedy include increased salivation with thrush ulcers in the mouth and burning when food touches the mouth or throat.

NUX VOMICA (Poison Nut) Nux is preeminently for men who have been under stress for a long time and is useful for the stomach and bladder, for sleep disorders, irritable nerves, and for fiery tempers.

PHOSPHORUS (The Element) With Phosphorus, there is always great sensitivity to the struggles of other people. The Phosphorus personality is excitable, impressionable, prone to great anxiety and a constant fear that something is about to go wrong. There may an oppressive feeling in the chest as if there were a great weight laid on it. A particular keynote is a craving for ice-cold drinks. The joints suddenly give way and gastritis with heartburn is a common symptom.

PULSATILLA (Wind Flower) Thirst less. Profuse discharges. Changeable moods. Weeping. Craving for foods that disagree. Headache from overeating or eating foods which disagree.

SEPIA SUCCUS (Cuttlefish Ink) Sepia symptoms include a sluggish liver with the sensation of something twisting in the stomach and intestines. The person will be mentally and physically worn out, irritable, overwhelmed, and averse to the company of those they love—family for whom they feel a responsibility.

SILICA (Cuttlefish Ink) Cleanser and eliminator. Initiates the healing process. Insulator of the nerves. Restores the activity of the skin. Deficiency symptoms incude smelly feet and arm pits, Pus formation, Abscesses, Boils, Styes, Clogged tear ducts, Tonsillitis, Brittle nails, Stomach pains, Diseases affecting bone surfaces, Whitlows, Gout, Enlarged thyroid, Cracked nipples in nursing mothers, Suppressed perspiration, Difficult wound healing, Ingrown toe nails, Falling out of the hair, or Spinal irritation.

TELLUIRUM METALLICUM (Tellurium Metal) Marked skin (herpes circinatus), spinal, eye and ear symptoms. Very sensitive back. Pains all over body. Offensive discharges. Slow development of symptoms (Radium) Sacral and sciatic pains.

THIOSINAMINUM (Mustard Seed Oil) Symptoms include enlarged lymphatic glands, adhesions, dissolving of scar tissue and keloids, a sensation of heat and burning in affected parts, stricture of the rectum, and depression with an aversion to consolation.

ZINCUM METALLICUM (Zinc Metal) Some symptoms related to muscle issues include the spine being very sensitive—cannot bear having it touched, general weakness, trembling and twitching of various muscles, nape of the neck feels weary and tired, pain the cervical muscles at night, stumbling, a spastic gait, and totters while walking.

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