Colds #1


The following is a small amount of information on each of the INGREDIENTS of this combination.

ALLIUM CEPA (red onion) Allium has more symptoms of common colds and hay fever than any other remedy. If you have cut up raw onions, you have a pretty good idea of the symptom picture. Symptoms include dull headache, lots of fluent coryza, sneezing, sinusitis, burning and itching in those poor little red eyes, and hoarseness and pain in the throat—often extending out to and including the ear.

EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS (eyebright) This remedy is effective for hay fever with watery eyes. It does not matter, homeopathically speaking, whether the symptoms are from an allergy or from an infection; the symptom picture is what determines remedy choice. Other symptoms of Euphrasia include conjunctivitis with sticky mucus, burning and swelling of the eyelids, feeling as if there were sand in the eyes, and catarrhal headache with profuse discharges from eyes and nose. Euphrasia also effects the nose and chest, as well as the eyes. Symptoms are better from open air and worse for wind and sunlight.

ACONITUM NAPELLUS (monkshood) Aconite is for colds that come on after exposure to cold wind or cold weather. Aconite illnesses are usually acute and are always sudden and violent with high fever being common. Some other symptoms are earache, dryness and heat in the eyes, eyelids are hard, red and swollen, and the nose is stopped up. There may be acute inflammation of the throat with a high fever. Mental and emotional symptoms include many forebodings and fears.

ARSENICUM ALBUM (white oxide of arsenic) This is the first remedy to reach for in any acute ailment but is particularly useful for colds, hay fever, influenza, and food poisoning. Shortness of breath with the current illness is a keynote symptom. Mental and emotional symptoms include extreme restlessness, or anxiety and restlessness manifesting alternatively.

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