Detox #15

This remedy benefits both the immune and endocrine systems.  It does this by supporting and enhancing the function of the Pituitary and Adrenal glands as well as the nervous system connection between them.

Base combination of Bromium, Chlorinium, Hydrofluoricum, and Iodium to strengthen and rebalance the uptake of these important substances.


The following is a small amount of information on each of the INGREDIENTS of this combination.

BROMIUM (bromine) Glandular enlargement with glands becoming hardened. Quarrelsome. Forgetful. Dry cough with burning pain behind the sternum.

CHLORINUM (chlorine) Irritability. Memory loss. Increased action of the heart. Loss of voice from damp air. Ability to breathe in (inspiration) freely but breathing out (expiration) feels obstructed. Mouth dry. Saliva, what there is of it, is acidic. Acidic stomach and other gastric trouble. Diarrhea in the morning.

HYDROFLUORICUM (hydrofluoric acid) Sudden watery discharge from the nose. Particularly acrid-smelling perspiration. Rapidly decaying teeth, especially at the roots. Sore throat with constriction in throat that makes swallowing difficult. Fetid breath.

IODIUM (iodine) Great debility, the slightest exertion brings on perspiration. Always feels too hot. A connective tissue remedy. Joints inflamed and painful. Raw and tickling feeling in lungs producing a dry cough. Chronic, exhausting diarrhea.

AESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM (horse chestnut) Glandular swellings. Hemorrhoids. Mucous membranes dry and raw. Backache focused in sacrum and hips that is made worse by bending or walking. Vertigo.

ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM (tartar emetic) Despondency. Rear of being alone. Pain in sacro-lumbar region. Rattling of mucous with little expectoration. Shortness of breath. Weakness. Pustular eruptions. Symptoms worse for warmth and heat.

ASCORBICUM ACIDUM (ascorbic acid) Weak, visible or distended veins, arteries, and capillaries. Slow healing of wounds. Improves deficient metaolism of carbohydrates, fats, ad proteins. Low immune functions. Weakness. Fatigue.

COCCUS CACTI (coccus cacti) Accumulation of thick viscid mucus. Shortness of breath. Dark, brick-red urine. Tendency to urinary stones. Afflictions of the mucus membranes and urinary tract.

CONIUM MACULATUM (poison hemlock) Weakness of mind and body. Trembling. Depression. Enlarged glands. Hot flashes, dizziness, craving for salt, coffee and sour things. Sleepiness after eating.

DULCAMARA (woody nightshade) Worse in stiffness of joints. Backache. Must urinate when getting chilled. In fact, all symptoms are worse for cold,wet weather. Glands swollen and hard.

ECHINACEA ANGUSTIFOLIA (purple cone flower) Blood poisonings. Chilliness. Nausea. Tendency to high fevers. Brain fog. Vertigo. Pale face with headaches. Vaccination reactions.

GALIUM APARINE (cleavers) Edema. Precancerous states, especially of the tongue. Acts on the urinary tract as a diuretic. Cystitis. Kidney stones. Psoriasis.

GENTIANA LUTEA (gentian) Thick saliva. Ravenous hunger with opposing symptom of diminished appetite, even to the point of anorexia. Inflation and tension of abdomen. Pain in the back and bowels, worse for motion.

GERANIUM ROBERTIANUM (Robert's geranium) Hemorrhages. Ulceration of the stomach. Swollen glands. Intestinal cramps. Liver or gallbaldder dysfunction. Diarrhea.

PULSATILLA (wind flower) Thirst less. Profuse discharges. Changeable moods. Weeping. Craving for foods that disagree. Headache from overeating or eating foods which disagree.

SARCOLACTICUM ACIDUM (sarcolactic acid) Acid-base regulation. Chronic fatigue. Diabetes. Tired feeling in back, neck, and shoulders. Profuse nocturnal urine.

ADRENALINUM (adrenaline - sarcode of the adrenal gland) Allergies. Asthma. Ailments from overwork and stress. Ravenous hunger with little thirst. Thirst, at times, for large quantities of water especially in the evenings. Sudden urgent desire to urinate.

LYMPH GLAND SARCODE (sarcode of a lymph gland) Swelling of lymph nodes anywhere in the body. Runny nose. Sore throat, Fever. Sinus infections.

SULPHUR (brimstone) Much rattling of mucous. Heat in body in bed. Complaints that relapse. Dry, unhealthy hair and skin. Indifference to personal appearance. Pulse more rapid in the morning than in the evening. Great quantities of colorless urine.

CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA (calcium phosphate) Pain in bladder, worse when empty. Hoarseness. Unnatural growths on adenoids. Delayed healing of broken bones. Weak digestion. A great deal of flatulence. Teeth decay easily.

FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM (iron phosphate) Hemorrhages. Anemia. Control of fevers. Nosebleeds. Weakness. Useful for early stages of inflammatory disorders. Recovery after loss of blood. Short, painful, tickling cough. Otitis media. Conjunctivitis. Headache better for cold application.

LIVER SARCODE (sarcode of the liver) Abdominal pain and swelling. Swelling in legs and ankles. Itchy skin. Dark urine. Pale stool. Chronic fatigue. Nausea. Vomiting. Tendency to bruise easily.

HYPOTHALAMUS GLAND NOSODE (hypothalamus nosode) Vertigo, Nervous instability. Occipital headache accompanied by deep sadness. Glatulence. Circulatory problems with livid color of the lower limbs. Kidneys create water retention. Stool hard black little balls.

SPLEEN SARCODE (sarcode of the spleen) Pain or fullness in the left upper abdomen that can spread to the left clavicle and shoulder. Feeling of fullness upon eating even small amounts or nothing at all. Anemia. Frequent infections. Bleeding easily. Spleen enlargement is a serious, life-threatening condition - act promptly.

CORTISONE ACETICUM (cortisone acetate) Supports the adrenal, pituitary glands and connective tissue, stress. Symptoms include dry skin and dry mouth. Allergies. Psoriasis. Breathing disorders.

MERCURIOUS SOLUBILIS (mercury vivus) Abscesses Swollen glands. Chronic ear infections. Conjunctivitis. Catarrhal headaches. Shortness of breath on going upstairs or walking quickly. Asthma that is worse with changes of weather.

BARYTA CARBONICA (barium carbonate) Takes cold easily. Swollen tonsil Llipomas. Enlargement of the glands. Enlarged prostate. Difficult concentration in children. Slow mental grasp. Cough after getting feet wet or being exposed to damp air. Crackling noise in ears , worse swallowing. Corysa of nose with swelling o upper lip and nose. Fetid foot sweats.

UMBILICAL CORD SARCODE (sarcode of umbilical cord) Emotions: release of people and places no longer in one’s life. Feeling free to die when your time has come. Ability to stand up for oneself and what one believes in. Physical: Tingling and stitching sensations in the face. Heavy feeling in belly and stomach. Cravings for potatoes, sugars, and other carbohydrates. Recurrent bouts of flu, fever with pain in joints and heavy feeling in limbs.

TONSIL SARCODE (sarcode of tonsil) Red, swollen tonsils. White or yellow coating or patches on the tonsils. Sore throat. Difficult or painful swallowing. Fever. Lymph gland in neck enlarged and tender. Bad breath. Stomachache, Neck pain or stiffness. Headache. Drooling due to painful swallowing.

PHENYLALANINE (amino acid) Reactions to aspertame and other artificial sweeteners with symptoms of Mood swings. Blurred vision. Headaches. Inability to concentrate. Chest congestion with constriction and generalized pain resulting in fatigue on even the slightest movement.

GAERTNER/PATTERSEN BOWEL NOSODE AND BACH/MUTABILE BOWEL NOSODE (bowel nosodes) Inflammatory coating of bowel. Mental fatigue. Extreme physical exhaustion. Cramping.

TRIIODOTHYRONINE (thyroid hormone) Also known as T3, is a thyroid hormone. Plays vital roles in the body’s metabolic rate, heart and digestive functions, muscle control, brain development and function, and the maintenance of bones.

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