Detox #2

This remedy is specific for the detoxification from mercury poisoning.


The following is a small amount of information on each of the INGREDIENTS of this combination.

CADMIUM BROMATUM (cadmium bromide) Cadmium bromatum is comparable to Cadmium sulphuratum. Symptoms include vomiting, burning in the stomach, esophagus, mouth, and throat.

KALI SULPHURICUM (potassium sulfate) Symptoms include colic pains, distended abdomen, mucus rattling in lungs, and nausea and vomiting. This remedy aids in the transfer of inhaled oxygen to all the cells through the mechanism of red blood cells.

NATRUM SULPHURICUM (sodium sulphate) This is the leading remedy for treating the results of head injuries. Nat sulph aids the elimination of excess fluid from the system, often producing great thirst.

TARTARICUM ACIDUM (tartaric acid) is the agent in pineapple that so many people are allergic to, making it, done homeopathically, useful for gastritis, pain at umbilicus, flatulence, thirst, and vomiting.

The above symptoms are a partial description of the symptoms of mercury poisoning. As the remedies are removing the symptoms, the underlying causation—the mercury poisoning—is being detoxed and carried from the system.

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