Glandular/Lymph #1


This remedy contains a lot of remedies that pertain to lymphatic congestion and glandular swelling. Lymph nodes become swollen, tender, or red most often as a result of bacteria or viruses. Lymph glands play a vital role in the body’s ability to fight off infections. This remedy is excellent at reducing inflammation and thickness in glands. It can help eliminate infections found in the glandular or lymphatic systems. The glandular and lymphatic systems affect every other system in the body. This remedy will boost energy levels, stimulate lymphatic drainage, gently detoxify and support the body towards healing.

The following is a small amount of information on each of the INGREDIENTS of this combination.

BELLADONNA (deadly nightshade) Belladonnas acts on the brain, nerve centers, glandular and lymphatic systems. The symptoms are notable because of their sudden onset and include loss of appetite, glands that are red, swollen and tender, vision difficulties, nausea and vomiting, ear pain, and tinnitus.

CALCAREA IODATA (calcium iodide) Calcarea iodata is indicated for many symptoms that are glandular in nature such as enlarged tonsils, croup, varicose veins, breast tumors, thyroid tumors, and cysts. Other symptoms include weariness of the whole body, constant severe but dull headache at the forehead and temples, tired feeling in the calves of the legs, and light-headedness.

CONIUM MACULATUM (poison hemlock) Applicable symptoms include breasts that enlarge and become painful before and during menses, breast cancer with hard tumors, tumors that appear at the site of old injuries, stitches in breasts and in nipples, prostate issues, prostate cancer, ovarian issues, aching in lumbar and sacral areas, and progressive debility of body and mind.

ECHINACEA ANGUSTIFOLIA/PURPUREA (purple cone-flower) In both herbal and homeopathic form, Echinacea is a blood and immune stimulant and tonic. It is indicated for lymphatic inflammation, recurring ear infections, strep throat, full feeling in the upper part of the lungs, stuffy nose and head, dullness from headache, aching limbs, sleepiness with confusion and weakness, and chilliness with nausea.

HEPAR SULPHURIS CALCAREUM (calcium sulphide) This is an excellent glandular remedy and is indicated by a tendency for mucus membranes to suppurate. The lesions spread by the formation of small papules around the sides of the old lesions. Being a glandular remedy, there are symptoms that apply to every gland and to every system that the glandular system affects (in other words, all of them).

KALI IODATUM (potassium iodide) Applicable symptoms are glandular swellings with glands enlarged and indurated, diffused sensitiveness of glands and of the scalp, glands that have begun to atrophy, pains long after an injury, small boils, and itching eruptions—worse in the heat.

KALI MURIATICUM (potassium chloride) Kali mur is indicated for the ill effects of vaccinations giving it a very long list of symptoms, many of them obviously applying to the glandular system.

MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS (mercury vivus) People needing this remedy are often described as human thermometers (that’s mercury!)—up and down and constantly changing, especially in moods and energy levels. There will be dejection and discouragement offset by periods of euphoric happiness. Mercurius also has a strong action on the lymphatic system. Mercurius increases glandular activity, with enlarged glands and glandular problems making up a large part of the remedy picture. Excessive saliva with a metallic taste in the mouth (possibly indicating that Mercurius is a remedy useful in the treatment of toxic poisoning). Symptoms are worse from any change in temperature or weather.

PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA (pokeweed root) Phytolacca acts on the glandular system, helping to eliminate infection and inflammation. It has a special affinity for fibrous and osseous tissues with symptoms such as mastitis in the breasts, hardness of the glands in right side of the neck, and swelling of the axillary glands. Phytolacca also acts on the sheaths and fascias of muscles of the shoulders and arms. Many phytolacca problems manifest with high fever alternating with chilliness and great fatigue.

PULSATILLA NIGRICANS (windflower) Pulsatilla affects many glandular and hormonal issues. All symptoms are worse from warmth or stuffiness of a room. Symptoms include food lodging in the throat, anemia, varicose veins, and a person experiencing “never the same since puberty or childbirth” symptoms. This is a remedy for people with mild, yielding dispositions whose symptom picture is constantly changing.

SOLIDAGO VIRGAUREA (goldenrod) The common use of this remedy as an herb and as a homeopathic is as a diuretic and for chronic kidney inflammation. Murphy’s Materia Medica calls this remedy the “homeopathic replacement for the catheter”.

SULPHUR IODATUM (sulphur iodide) This remedy is useful for painless enlargement of glands and for tissues that are thickening after inflammation. It is also useful for many other obstinate skin afflictions such as pustular eruptions and suppurating acne.

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