Infection Fighters #5

Inflammation and fever associated with the flu, viral colds, and minor infections.


The following is a small amount of information on each of the INGREDIENTS of this combination.

ACONITUM NAPELLUS (monkshood) Aconite illnesses are usually acute and are always sudden and violent with high fever being common. Some other symptoms are earache with pain, dryness and heat in the eyes, croup, influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia, chills, and is useful any time the nose is stopped up. There may be acute inflammation of the throat with a high fever. Mental and emotional symptoms include many forebodings and fears.

ARNICA MONTANA (leopard’s bane) While Arnica is usually considered a remedy for injuries and traumas, it also has symptoms that make it useful in this infection-fighting remedy. Some of these symptoms are influenza with fever, aching pains that accompany illness, violent, spasmodic cough and burning or a feeling of rawness in the chest. The person is usually sleepless and restless when overtired and all symptoms are better from lying down. The nose feels sore and cold.

BAPTISIA TINCTORIA (wild indigo) This remedy has a history of effective use with epidemic influenza. Other symptoms for which this remedy is considered useful come with high fever and include such things as septicemia, toxemia, blood poisoning, headache with fever and delirium, extreme diarrhea, and lungs feeling tight and compressed with a feeling of suffocation. Prostration comes on rapidly, the brain feels sore and there is confusion as if the person is intoxicated.

BRYONIA ALBA (wild hops) The symptoms of Bryonia include coughs, headaches, influenza, nosebleeds, sharp pain when swallowing, pleurisy, whooping cough, and mucus membranes are all dry with excessive thirst. Modalities include better for rest and aggravated by motion. Mental/emotional symptoms include being exceedingly irritable and wanting to be left alone.

CETRARIA ISLANDICA (purple cone-flower) Echinacea is a blood and immune tonic and is indicated for lymphatic inflammation, recurring ear infections, strep throat, tonsillitis, upper lung congestion, stuffy nose and head, and even for such things as insect bites and stings and snakebites.

GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS (yellow jasmine) Gelsemium is a remedy with a strong affinity for the recovery stages of illnesses and for fatigue and illness that is brought on by anxiety, anticipation, fear, or bad news. Gelsemium is keynoted by either the failure of energy levels to return to normal after an illness or complete exhaustion that just will not go away. Other symptoms include drowsiness, trembling, aching muscles, headache, chilliness and pain up and down the spine, and fever with thirstlessness.

RHUS TOXICODENDRON (poison oak) Rhus toxicodendron is indicated for a great many things that have nothing to do with infections and it is important to remember one of the basic rules of homeopathy—that it is the symptom picture, and not the cause of the ailment, that matters. Symptoms include fevers with blisters, appendicitis, influenza, hoarseness, rashes, swollen glands, headache in occiput, and the mind and the senses become cloudy. There is a pain and stiffness in the small of the back and no appetite for any kind of food. Symptoms are better from heat and from a hot bath and worse from overexertion.

SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS (bloodroot) Sanguinaria is useful for blood disorders, croup, burning sensations, distended veins and temples, pneumonia, cough of gastric origin, dry cough, tickling in throat, and chill with nausea. This is a right-sided remedy.

STREPTOCOCCINUM (streptococcus nosode) This is a nosode made from the streptoccus virus and is used for chronic sore throats and streptococcal infections, for people who are susceptible to catching colds and sore throats, for many types of infections, tonsillitis., otitis and mastoiditis, pleurisy, acute sinusitis, and severe bronchitis.

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