Kidney #4


The following is a small amount of information on each of the INGREDIENTS of this combination.

EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS (eyebright) Symptoms include frequent, copious urination, the bladder being very irritable at night, dribbling urine, conjunctivitis, watering eyes, and burning and swelling of eyelids.

IPOMOEA PURPUREA (morning glory) The ipomoea picture includes many symptoms for the kidneys. These include severe pain in the left kidney with nausea, kidney stones and gravel, kidney disorders with pain in the back (this seems to occur predominantly on the left side), chilliness alternating with flashes of heat and copious sweat. Emotional symptoms include a strong desire for solitude, loss of memory, hypersensitivity to noise, and anxiety with palpitations. This remedy is specific to night terrors in children who have worms.

NATRUM SULPHURICUM (sodium sulphate) Nat sulph symptoms include kidney and bladder irritation and distress, frequent urination, diabetes, burning pain in urethra, urine loaded with bile, scanty dark urine with the need to get up several times in the night, bruised pain in lumbar region, severe pain at the back of the neck and base of the brain with soreness up and down spine and neck.

TEREBINTHINIAE OLEUM (oil of turpentine) Some symptoms of Terebinthiniae are burning and drawing pain in the region of the kidneys and running along the ureters, cystitis, irritable bladder and kidneys, bleeding from the bladder, scanty suppressed urine with the odor of violets, and pains that alternate between navel and bladder that is better for walking, and stiff muscles. There will be feelings of lethargy, agitated sleep with frequent waking, and anxiety and confusion related to uric acid deposits—mental symptoms set up by renal (urinary) failure.

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