Respiratory #1

(Cystic Fibrosis)


This remedy should be considered for extreme lung issues where lymph is clogged not just in the lungs but throughout the entire body, including such other internal organs (along with the lungs) as the pancreas and intestinal tract. Butterfly Expressions, LLC, essential oil blend LeStefanie was created as a companion to Respiratory #1 and should be considered for use at the same time.

The following is a small amount of information on each of the INGREDIENTS of this combination.

FILIX MAS Symptoms of this remedy include clogging of the lymph glands and thickening of and clogging of mucosa throughout the body, including the lungs. Normally, mucus is watery. Mucus keeps the linings of certain organs moist and prevents them from drying out or getting infected. Sticky mucus builds up and can block airways, tubes and ducts throughout your body. Blocked ducts in the pancreas keep digestive enzymes from reaching the small intestine and this, in turn, keeps the intestines from absorbing fats and proteins properly.

NATRUM SALICYLICUM (sodium salicylicum) Symptoms concerning the lungs include great difficulty breathing, breathing very noisy with hallow gasps for air, panting respiration, and dryness in mouth and throat with great thirst.

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