
Potassium, often called the “alkalizer”, neutralizes acidity and replenishes alkaline salts in the bloodstream, maintains membrane potentials of nerves synapses and assists in metabolic processes, as well as supporting a good immune system. It is critical to cardiovascular and nerve function and vital for the elimination of wastes. Potassium is an essential mineral, found in every cell of the body. As an electrolyte (ionized particle), potassium is vital to water balance, proper hydration, and controlled blood pressure. Potassium is also involved in muscle and nerve function, plays a role in metabolism, and helps transfer oxygen to the brain.

Symptoms of Deficiency:
Ear aches
Muscle weakness
Muscle aches and stiffness
Muscle spasms and cramps
Abdominal pain and bloating
Heart palpitations
Numbness or paralysis
Cognitive impairment

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