Yerba Mansa Anemopsis Californica PART USED: Leaf PROPERTIES: Astringent, Anti-inflammatory SYSTEMS AFFECTED: Mucous membranes, Respiratory, Digestive POSSIBLE USES: allergies, inflamed sinuses, sore throats, canker sores, arthritis, gum disease INGREDIENT IN: SN The astringent properties of Yerba Mansa have a particular affinity for the mouth, sinuses, gum problems, lungs, urinary tract, and digestive system. Yerba Mansa has a reputation for toning mucous membranes by removing any matter (dirt, pus, pollen) that inhibits proper tissue repair. Next Yerba Mansa improves the transport of fluids and nutrients to that area. Yerba Mansa is said to be a substitute for Goldenseal in uses having to do with membranes. The astringent and anti-inflammatory properties of Yerba Mansa make it appropriate for arthritis. ©Copyright Butterfly Expressions 2020, 2021 |