New Mommy & Baby Kit

This kit is designed to make the transition from expectant mom, to nursing, and getting up in the middle of the night mom, as easy as can be. You and your baby are going through a lot of changes right now, and in this kit you will find lots of stuff to make sure that you feel as centered, relaxed, and as healthy as possible. Great for upset tummies, diaper rashes, and all the things that come with your new bundle of joy.

This kit comes in a Storage Box. This box will hold 16 bottles of oil.

This kit includes the following 7 10ml oils:
LeBaby Me, LeJulia, LeMillenia, LeTranquility, Chamomile Roman, Clary Sage and Lavender Officinalis

This kit includes the following 1oz Blessed Water:
Rescue Remedy

This kit includes the following 4 1oz Tinctures:
Catnip & Chaomile gly, COL gly, FV gly, NF gly

This kit also includes:
Almond Oil (2oz), Miracle Salve (2oz) and Vitamin E Oil (2oz)