Central Vessel Meridian
Central Vessel Balance: Firmness, the balance between logic and emotion, considerate of - without being unduly influenced by - other peoples energies or opinions
Out of balance: An unrealistic sense of shame, guilt, shyness, and discomfort around people. The central vessel is affiliated with the central nervous system and, when depleted, makes a person vulnerable to the negative energies around them.
Meridians are the pathways of communication between the various parts of the human body/mind/soul complex. These meridians channel an invisible nutritive energy known to the Chinese as ch’i. The ch’i energy enters the body through specific points and flows to deeper organ structures. Meridians bring life-giving nourishment with a gentle subtle energetic nature. A strong and balanced flow of energy through the body’s meridians is important to optimal health. Blocked meridians create imbalanced energy flow to organs, which contributes to disease states within the body.
**All descriptions of spiritual and physical healing properties were researched and collected from various sources. This information is offered as a service and is not meant to treat medical conditions. Butterfly Expressions does not guarantee the accuracy of any of these statements.
©Copyright Butterfly Expressions 2020

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