Downy Avens

(Geum triflorum)

POSITIVE QUALITIES: Balance and communication between head intelligence and heart intelligence. Wisdom derived from learning “line-upon-line”, “precept-upon-precept”. patience with the learning process. Steady, progressive intellectual, emotional, and spiritual growth.

Generally, there is slow physical and social development which is accompanied by advanced and rather precocious intellectual capabilities. Both children and adults are easily bored or distracted by any activity around them. A distinctive aspect of this remedy is the lack of imagination. Even in children, there is a pronounced ability for advanced intellectual skills but a lack of creativity or ability to imagine. Learning comes “line-upon-line” and “precept-upon-precept” with learning accomplished only from material that is presented in a systematic fashion that makes sense to them! The beauty of this remedy lies in its ability to assist with communication between head intelligence and heart intelligence to instill patience with teaching styles different from their own and to function and learn within those parameters. Steady, progressive intellectual, emotional, and spiritual growth will be seen with the proper use of this remedy.

PATTERNS OF IMBALANCE: Slow physical development with advanced and precocious intellectual capacities. Easily bored or distracted. Lack of heart connection to others. Lack of imagination. ADHD. Autism.

**All descriptions of spiritual and physical healing properties were researched and collected from various sources. This information is offered as a service and is not meant to treat medical conditions. Butterfly Expressions does not guarantee the accuracy of any of these statements.

©Copyright Butterfly Expressions 2020

Downy Avens

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