Green Pepper

(Piper nigrum)

THERAPEUTIC PROPERTIES: anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxant, carminative, circulatory stimulant, detoxifying, diuretic, expectorant, laxative, aphrodisiac, tonic

AFFINITY FOR: respiratory system, muscles and joints, lymphatic system, digestive tract, circulatory system

RESONANCE: physical, emotional, mental

PLANT FAMILY: Piperaceae

PART UTILIZED: fruit (green berries, unripe)

EXTRACTION METHOD: steam distilled

AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: Green Pepper has a milder, and sweeter aroma than Black Pepper but lacks the “spicy” associated with the classic “Pepper” aroma. Despite the lack of “pepper” it is a very pleasing, smooth, and complex aroma. It is uplifting to the mind and soothing to the senses.

APPLICATION: Green Pepper should be diluted and applied topically. It makes an excellent massage essential oil because of its warming and stimulating properties. Mix a few drops with water and white vinegar for an effective cleaning solution to wipe down surfaces of your home. Add to a diffuser to perk up your mood, freshen the air, and kill airborne bacteria.

EMOTIONAL - SPIRITUAL - MENTAL ASPECTS: When the mind becomes tired or dull before a project is completed, Green Pepper essential oil can revive the mind. It lifts the spirits and helps one to stay awake and focused for a bit longer. Green Pepper is considered an aphrodisiac.

PHYSICAL ASPECTS: Like Black Pepper, Green Pepper can be used as an expectorant. It can also be used to improve muscle tone. It is helpful for arthritis, sprains, and muscle soreness. It is beneficial for joint stiffness and sciatica. It is used to help reduce pain and inflammation. Green Pepper helps with alertness and memory.

GENERAL INFORMATION: Green Pepper essential oil is derived from the green unripe berries of the Piper nigrum plant, which is grown in India. Piper nigrum is a flowering vine widely cultivated for its fruit. Black Pepper and White Pepper also come from the same plant. The only difference between Green and Black Pepper is the stage of ripeness when the fruit is harvested. The fruit is cooked and/or dried depending on the type of pepper produced. Pepper, used as a spice, has been known as the “king of spices” and was long used in trade and bartering. Pepper is rich in essential minerals and vitamins. It is rich in antioxidants. Pepper essential oil contains a significant amount of sesquiterpenes- in fact higher than Frankincense.

CAUTIONS: Green Pepper should be used well-diluted but is less likely to cause skin irritation than Black Pepper. Avoid contact with the eyes and sensitive areas. Avoid during Pregnancy.

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