Redmond Real Salt

Our body uses salt to create hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Hydrochloric acid is used to break down food and helps us absorb other nutrients.  Without salt, you could become deficient in other important vitamins and minerals.

Emotional Symptoms of Salt Deficiency
Panic Attacks

It is life-changing to realize that these emotional things may be a lack of fresh fruits, vegetables, and salt.

Physical Symptoms of Salt Deficiency
Nausea and Vomiting
Confusion or Brain Fog
Loss of Energy, Drowsiness, and Fatigue (if working in the heat for a bit makes you tired you may have a minor salt deficiency.
Muscle Weakness
Spasms or Cramps

Salt needs potassium to be absorbed.  If you are not getting enough potassium your body will dump salt even though it needs it.  To dump the excess salt your body will need excess water.  Having too much salt in your body (and not enough potassium) while being dehydrated can be very serious. Luckily potassium is found in every fruit and vegetable.  I don't know about you but I tend to eat lots more fruit in the summertime and remembering to salt it or get some extra salt has greatly improved my digestion.

Just as the body will dump excess salt when not enough potassium is present it will dump excess potassium when not enough salt is present.  You could be eating lots of fresh food and still feel crapy simply because you are not salting it. When I fear I am not getting enough potassium I take the liquid ionic potassium mineral.  I can simply add it to my water.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.