Silica Tissue Salt #12

Silica Oxide (Pure Silica)

BODY PARTS AFFECTED: Connective tissues. Skin. Nerves. Bones. Mucous membranes. Joints. Lymphatics.

FUNCTION: Cleanser and eliminator. Initiates the healing process. Insulator of the nerves. Restores the activity of the skin.

DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS: Smelly feet and arm pits. Pus formation. Abscesses. Boils. Styes. Clogged tear ducts. Tonsillitis. Brittle nails. Stomach pains. Diseases affecting bone surfaces. Whitlows. Gout. Enlarged thyroid. Cracked nipples in nursing mothers. Suppressed perspiration. Difficult wound healing. Ingrown toe nails. Falling out of the hair. Spinal irritation.

MENTAL DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS: Firmness of purpose but lacking the physical stamina to carry through. Inability to focus or maintain attention for even short periods of time. Over sensitivity to noise. Anxiety. Great Irritability. Gloomy and despondent.

COMMENTS: Silica helps to expel foreign objects from the body (slivers, bits of glass, and brings abscesses to a head, opening an exit so that infection and foreign objects may leave the body.

FOOD SOURCES: Millet, brown rice, whole grains, peas, carrots, cucumbers, strawberries, parsley, stinging nettle, dandelion, horsetail, comfrey bamboo shoots, spinach, nuts, seeds, lemons, guavas.

PRECURSORS AND FOLLOW-UPS: Nat Sulph, Kalli Phos, Kali Mur > Silica > Calc Phos

**All descriptions of spiritual and physical healing properties were researched and collected from various sources. This information is offered as a service and is not meant to treat medical conditions. Butterfly Expressions does not guarantee the accuracy of any of these statements.

©Copyright Butterfly Expressions 2020


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