LeBlack Velvet

INGREDIENTS: Allspice, Jasmine, Magnolia, Orange Blood, Spruce Picea

In loving memory of our son, Travis—beloved son, husband, father, friend.

We grieve so deeply only where there has been deep love.

This blend was created by Val and LaRee Westover as a tribute to their son’s memory and to aid family and friends through the healing process following his recent death. The name, chose by Val. Black for mourning and Velvet for softness and comfort.

There are many stages of grief. The process of healing is, to my mind, moving toward peace only when memories and sudden reminders throughout the day bring peace and a bit of joy rather than feeling like a stab to the heart and soul. As of this writing, I have started passing out this new blend to family and friends. It certainly seems to be accomplishing what it was envisioned by Val and blended by LaRee to accomplish.

Just a bit about the emotional impact of each ingredient in this essential oil blend:

Spruce: Spruce (and other conifers) create the symbolic effect of an umbrella which both protects and brings energy in from the universe. At night the animals of the forest lie down under a conifer tree for the protection and rejuvenation that this space will provide for them. Spruce grounds the solar plexus and stimulates the thymus, creating the emotional balance necessary to be gracious at both giving and receiving. Spruce can help us push through difficult times and bring peace and hope when grieving.

Allspice: All ‘spice’ oils are considered usual for a long list of physical ailments as well as in the treatment of depression, nervous exhaustion, tension, and neuralgia. The specialty of Allspice, however, is for times when any sort of malady, physical or emotional, is being made worse by emotional crisis of any kind.

Jasmine Sambac: The sambac variety of Jasmine is referred to in Eastern tradition as “King of Oils" and as “Queen of the Night”. This strength at the end of the day subtly affects the properties of the Sambac oil. At difficult times in our lives, nighttime, like the month of February, can be more difficult than usual. In addition, the emotional pattern of Jasmine sambac is to increase strength of character and purpose while, at the same time, helping us develop sensitivity and compassion.

Magnolia: My experience with magnolia leads me to believe that it calms the nervous system while increasing personal confidence and peace. As we become more centered in our own beings, increased awareness of the needs of those around us is a natural phenomenon. The aroma of this exotic essential oil is calming to the nervous system and provides feeling of relaxation and tranquility. A wonderful oil, in a blend or by itself, for the treatment of depression.

Orange Blood: This essential oil is a variety of Orange Sweet (Citrus sinensis). It is so named because of the naturally occurring blood red color of the fruit. This color is brought about by a heavy concentration of a unique family of antioxidant pigments contained in this fruit. All orange essential oils are healing to the nervous system and are used worldwide for depression, anxiety, and grief. Frustration and grief block the flow of energy to and from the liver. Blocked energy in the liver results in moodiness, irritability, nausea, headaches, insomnia, and expecting more of ourselves and others than is reasonable. Essential oils made from the oranges are excellent treatments for all of these conditions and emotions.

Please remember that a blend is, very literally, far more than the sum of its parts. While I am constantly in awe of the healing properties of single essential oils, properly done blends are far more comprehensive, powerful, and can reach deeper than any one of the oils of which they are comprised does singly. This effect is called synergy and is recognized world-wide in essential oil healing circles. This blend literally came together as if by magic or, more accurately, inspiration!

©Copyright Butterfly Expressions 2025