IB Herbal


(Formerly Immune Builder)

1.00 Echinacea
1.00 Marshmallow
0.75 Elecampane
0.50 Dong Quai
0.50 Garlic
0.50 Mullein
0.50 Rehmannia
0.50 Thyme

Total herbs 5.25 oz
Glycerin Ratio-1:12

This formula is usually made as a glycerite because the quantities taken are quite large. Building the immune system can be a slow process. IB should be taken, faithfully, in the summer and fall to have time for improvement before the coming winter cold and flu season hits. Dosage depends on age: Infants 1/4 teaspoon, older children 1/2 teaspoon, and adults 1/2 to 1 teaspoon twice daily. For faster results, take as much as possible, right up to the point of creating diarrhea.

©Copyright Butterfly Expressions 2020, 2021

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