YW Herbal


(Formerly Young Women’s Formula)

1.00 Oregon Grape
0.50 Blessed Thistle
0.50 Cramp Bark
0.50 False Unicorn
0.50 Ginger
0.50 Raspberry Leaf
0.50 Squawvine
0.50 Uva Ursi
0.0625 Cayenne

Total herbs 4.5 oz
Tincture Ratio-1:8
Glycerin Ratio-1:9

This formula is meant for women in their childbearing years and the years preceding menopause. It will often if taken for a month or two, straighten out irregular periods, heavy clotting, profuse flow, menstrual cramping, premenstrual headaches, and premenstrual tension. Many times, once the underlying hormone issues that are causing the above symptoms have cleared up, infertility issues also disappear.

YW is also helpful with kidney, liver, and bladder problems in women, and is essential for prolapsing uterus or bladder situations.

Consider Sepia homeopathic in addition to this formula.

©Copyright Butterfly Expressions 2020, 2024

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