AL (Formerly Allergies)
1.00 Nettles Total herbs 4.5 oz Allergies, like acne, begin in the liver and the colon, and this is where the fight against them must be waged. There was a time in my life when I was allergic to many, many things. Today I am almost completely allergy-free. I have to really overeat a food or two to even remember that I ever had allergies. The AL tincture should be taken—dosage being a dropperful three times a day—beginning at least a couple of months before the anticipated allergy season. It is also very helpful to take Bee Pollen at the same time. During the heyday of my own allergies, I started the tincture and the Bee Pollen in February to prepare for spring and summer. Eventually, the remedies, internal cleansing programs, and energy work freed me from allergy-related suffering. Homeopathic or energetic remedies such as Allergies #1, Allium cepa and Apis melifica, or whatever deep-level homeopathic you test for or research out for your specific symptoms, can help a lot in eliminating the allergy. Lots of vitamin C can be helpful during an acute allergy attack. No herbal remedy will really work well, long or short term if you are still eating a predominantly acidic or unhealthy diet! ©Copyright Butterfly Expressions 2020, 2024 |

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