RC-L Herbal


(Formerly Red Clover Combination with Lomatium)

0.75 Red Clover
0.50 Oregon Grape
0.25 Buckthorn
0.25 Burdock
0.25 Cascara Sagrada
0.25 Chaparral
0.25 Licorice Root
0.25 Peach Leaf
0.25 Poke Root
0.25 Prickly Ash
0.25 Sarsaparilla
0.25 Stillingia
0.50 Lomatium

Total herbs 4.25 oz
Tincture Ratio-1:11
Glycerin Ratio-1:11

Exactly like the RC recipe, with the addition of 0.50 Lomatium. The Lomatium makes this recipe very effective for bacterial or viral stomach flu.

©Copyright Butterfly Expressions 2020, 2024

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